Why are the letters on the keyboard mixed up?

I was just wondering, why are all the letters on the keyboard mixed up, why are they not in order like they are in the alphabet?

Answer #1

If you learned to type in an actual typing course, you’ll learn that the keys are where they are because it makes it easier for you to type words and sentences with both hands efficiently.

Answer #2




l0l :]

Answer #3

If the letters on the keyboard were in alphebetical order, it’d be harder to type. We have to put the letters in places that make them mixed up because we can type more aficiently. Pluss, we don’t have to deal with the manual typewriters.

Answer #4

Actually it has to do with the most - often used letters. QWERTY was designed so more popular letters (those most used) would be on opposite sides of the keyboard, so the old-school manual typewriters wouldn’t jam up so much.

Answer #5

Who knows. But we all know how to use it and it works pretty good. if they were al in abc order I think it would be kind of diffficult all the letters seem to fall into place. =]

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