How do i act for my interview tomarrow?

so in august i signed up for some thing for someone to help me get like famous or some shit, and they called me like a few days and asking if i was intersted in coming in for an interview, so i’m like yea. and i’m really nervous. btw, i’m 13.. any advice?

Answer #1

Dress smart, not like your going out with your friends, be confident but very polite, handshake when you meet the person, dont sit down until you are asked to, good posture while talking, eye contact, dont put you elbows on the desk, and be talkative in a friendly way but don’t make jokes, smile and just be yourself :)

Answer #2

If you are a teen girl and want to get like famous or some shit, . ….. you should try acting like Miley Cyrus ….. . ….. You can pick up a few tips from this channel . . Also embedded below:

Answer #3

Sorry embed did not work !

Answer #4

First thing you should do is spell tomorrow correct. lol. Most importantly, remember that their are two things people want from an employee. Competence and Honesty. Act like yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone your not. You will never regret being in a job where you can be yourself. Who knows? Your personality may match the job.

Answer #5

If you look at the full question, you will see she is only 13 (so it is not a job interview). She has apparently applied to an agency who she expects can help her to (I quote) “… get like famous or some shit …”.

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