acne question!!!

how can I get rid of pimples? I have started getting them when I started using I dont use makeup and wash my face a lot but the pimples wont go away! whats an easy,cheap,and fast way to get rid of them? needs answers FAST!!

Answer #1

ilovedux was right! drink lots of water, also cut down on really sugary foods, and BAD FATS there is a difference if its greasy you probably shouldn’t eat it. Just picture it coming out of your pores! Try some of the Doctor Burt’s Bees products they work very effectively.

Answer #2

always washing your face will not help… just wash your face daily like 2 times a day .. dont pick your pimples.. and if it is sore just add baking soda paste to dry it out.. drink lots of water… ;)

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