
is anyone else afraid of getting abducted by aliens?

Answer #1


Answer #2

I abduct them first. After that they leave me alone.

Answer #3

No… Aliens aren’t real. You shouldn’t have to worry about that. Worry about something else that is more usefull.

Answer #4

no way! haha!

Answer #5

I hope to be abducted, then I’ll exploit man-kinds weaknesses and turn to an alien and eat you, no actually I do want to be abducted but 1 person in america out of like 2 billion, means my chances are very slim, then I want them to take me to their home world and show me what I want to know

-p.s. http://www.disclosureproject.org is a scam, they want you to buy stuff so they get cash sorry for the bad news-

Answer #6

I hope to be abducted, then I’ll exploit man-kinds weaknesses and turn to an alien and eat you, no actually I do want to be abducted but 1 person in america out of like 2 billion, means my chances are very slim, then I want them to take me to their home world and show me what I want to know

Answer #7


maybe they’ll turn me into one of them..


heck yeah im scared,, they might do any knid crap to you..

Answer #8

I don’t think I’d be afraid unless they were scary looking, were about to kill me, or using me as a test subject

Answer #9

For a totally different view onthe issue, you could have a look at


and the work of the Disclosure Project started by Dr Steven M. Greer some 15 years ago…

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