a 'dork' happens to be my goood friend

my friend doesnt understand why a ‘dork’ is my good friend..

they all make fun of her and they act like freaking 5 year oldsss.

shes really nice and funnyy.

it gets me sooo maddd!!!

and they say shes only pretending to be my friend to be known

but I know its not trueee

shud I let go of my friend for this oneee friend

or leave the ‘dork’ whos my good friend for my other friends???

Answer #1

Stay with your good friend. Don’t let the othes make fun of er. When they say things, tell them to stop. Tell them to get to know her. Then they’ll know howcool she really is.

My bestfriend is one of the more popular girls in the Junior class. I’m one of those kids that used to get teased. (I don’t get teased anymore, the kids in my class really grew up and got closer when we got into high school.) She stuck by me even though people didn’t like me and people would say things about her for being my friend. That’s what I call a true friend. Everyone deserves a friend that will stick by them. She even says that if she stopped being my friend, she’d have felt HORRIBLE. So don’t stop being her friend. You’ll feel bad if you do.

And the friends of yours that make fun of her.. They don’t sound like good friends. They should accept who your other friends are.

Answer #2

have you like sat down and talk to your friends that dork or not shes your friend? I was in the same situation and I said if they ddnt stop teasing him then they were going to lose a friend. im just going to say they lost a friend that day

Answer #3

Stay with the so called “dork”…(I doubt she is, anyway)…and let the other go…who needs her! She sounds like she doesn’t want competition for your friendship…that’s a person who’ll dump you, too.


Answer #4

Seriously, wth? This friend has done nothing but slag off your other friend for no reason, just because she’s a “dork”. If you really want to stick up for this girl, leave your “friend” to know you’re serious.

Answer #5

u should do what your heart tells you 2 do and not your mind and it depends on how long you knew your good friend if not you should keep your I on her.sometimes your friend are just trying 2 have your back but it is your choice

Answer #6

stay wiv her! One of my mates is a “dork” and nobody realy likes her but I think that shes realy awesome!
Maybe introduce her 2 another or your friends so that you can spend time wiv both sets of friends!!

Answer #7

You’ve already said dork is a good and true friend - you need to keep good friends - if you ever watch Andy of Mayberry, notice what a great friend Andy was to dork Barney - he would cover and always put Barney in a good light to others - that’s your chance here - I think the others are jealous of your friendship - by your friends making fun of and feeling superior to her, they are revealing bad character flaws - they are no worse than her but certainly NO BETTER - plus a good friend would never say or do anything intentionally to hurt you, but they are !! - stick with your true friend !!

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