14 and pregnant

How many girls do you no that are 14 and pregnant. Reality just hit and I have known for a while that im pregnant but it just occured to me that I am actually having a baby. I need any advice on how to deal with this and how to take care of a child when im a freshman. Please if your going to say something like you shouldn’t be having sex in the first place plaese don’t comment.

Answer #1

My ex was pregnant at 14. One of the worse parents I know, as a matter of fact. Too inexperienced to be knowing what the hell you’re doing.

Taking care of a child while in school, especially high school, can be super difficult especially if the daddy ran off. You’ll need the help from the father and your parents. Due to the high difficulty of raising a child, the first instinct is to drop out of school so you can do it full time. You really can’t afford to do that. You’ll want to get an education and college so you can get a good job to support the baby.

However, the best answer for any situation in which you can’t care for the baby full time: give it up for adoption. Many teens don’t want to do that, though because they think “I can do this” when in actuality they can’t. They’re too young nor have they finished maturing. If you want the baby to get properly cared for, give it up. It’s hard, but you’ll find it to be the best option after a while.

I have a friend that did this. Even though she says should wishes she could have her daughter back she’s firm with herself when she states that she made the right decision. She’s now married and has her own baby, but she at least waited until she got her high school diploma to have a baby she would keep. She’s got a beautiful young daughter (yep, another one) and she’s getting ready to start putting her in day care so she can go back to school and get a college education.

On average for a first year baby, the parent end up spending up to $10,000 dollars on formula, diapers, strollers and everything the baby needs. Do you have that kind of money to spend?

Answer #2

Ohmygod! I’m 13 and expecting too! I felt so scared..like I feel like the only person in the world almost:( Please like email me or something! I’m pretty far in (7 months) so maybe I could give you some help or something? I don’t know but email me?:) karleerachelle@aol.com

Answer #3

well I know a lot of people that done had a baby at your age and maybe younger 1st you need to let your mom know if she knows ask her for help if she doesnt wanna help than go to the doctor and they will give you some tips when you have your baby it will sleep a lot but it will only cry for you to feed it,change it,and just keep your head up dont give up that baby will grow up so fast you wont know what hit you im glad to help you I understand your problem

Answer #4

I must agree with Emerald here as I’m 13 and still a virgin but my because who has only just turned 13 today had sex and was so scared that she was pregant but was lucky she was not.

I’m not sure what I would do but know for a fact I would want the baby as Abortion is like murder in my eyes and could never do that.

if it was me I would have the kid and keep it myself and get all the help I could into bringing it up and no way would give it away as there would be family and adult friends who would be there to help.

I wish you all the luck in the world and if you do need to talk to a girl of your age then funmail me and add me as friend as im 13.


Answer #5

you have two options here. abortion or keeping the baby. first if you decide to keep the baby, tell your parents as soon as possible so they can help. Try getting a job it will be very hard because you are only 14 but you should start saving some money up so you can support the baby. Try to get used to having a baby like babysitting or if you have a baby cousin or something so you know what its like.

Answer #6

My daughter’s friend delivered just after her 15th birthday.

You are going to need to get your parents with you RIGHT NOW. If they do not know yet, approach your Mom first. And you might, just possibly keep in mind that adoption might be something to think about. That might be your baby’s best chance, with two parents that are more mature and already established in their professions.

I wish you the very best. No matter what you decide to do, this will not be an easy time for you.

Take care of the two of you, Good Luck!!

Answer #7

the state will help you just ask

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