13 with no period

I have been told a lot that my period is coming,but I don’t know. I have been a bit moody,and irritable. and I’ve had weird cravings. does that mean its coming? HELP ME PLEASE!

Answer #1

I like that teachel ‘ms. grumpy pants lol!!!

there isn’t anyway of telling if your period is going to come in 3 days or 3 years…there is no sure sign of ‘pending menstration’…

but at your age, your hormones are going wild…there all out of kilter ready to kick start your body into that HUGE stage of puberty (that seems to last forever and ever and ever so on and so forth…

just relax, they will start and when they do, trust me, you’ll be wishing for those tampon and pad free days again!

don’t worry about it and don’t worry about your hormones…they will be quite unpredictable on their own lol! I’ve been reading a lot about puberty lately…and maybe, like in pregnancy, your craving foods that your body needs right now…

try to chill, …I know you may feel you want them, and that’s just about feeling normal…but everyone starts at different stages…that is the only normal bit…

when you do start they may be a little unpredictable for a while, I know I had my first one, and then didn’t have another for about 4 months…it’s just like an engine…you know, it has to ‘warm up’

but just in case, carry a spare pair of knickers and a pad (tucked away in a zip up bit of your bag) in your school bag just in case you start at an inconvenient time (nothing like going ‘doh’! at school x x

Answer #2

hey are you just want to have ya period ??? lol nah dont worry it dependz how fast you r growing and yeah ev’rybody is different you see . !!!

Answer #3

Everybod’s body is different so you will have to wait. Your body will start when it is ready. So dont worry

Answer #4

You do usually get moody. I know my friend was a Ms. GrumpyPants when she had her first period. SOunds like it’s on its way. Don’t worry, sit back and enjoy not having it yet.

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