Do you think everyone should know how to use a gun?

Answer #1

That’s a really hard question! Yes, for self defence or at other times, no as they might misuse their knowledge on using a gun. I really can’t choose one answer for this..

Answer #2

Yeah I feel the same

Answer #3

I think every family should have one in their house for protection but I do not think that violent young men that cannot control their emotions should have a gun. I donno how hard a gun is to use xD It isn’t that hard is it? :o I think everyone that has a gun should know how to use a gun properly. lol xD

Answer #4

I dunno, never used one

Answer #5

Definately the ‘Safe’ way to use/operate a gun…..for self-protection, potection of Loved ones, and property…..

Answer #6

No, accidents happen with guns.

Answer #7

Only if they have an interest in doing so but should’nt be required to. On the other hand, anyone who wants to should have every right to do so.

Answer #8

The problematic fact of guns is that they exist. They exist as a result of mankind’s eternal lust for power. If guns did not exist… some other equally efficient tool to kill would. Guns don’t kill people… people kill people… is a tired axiom that I think never fully registers its exact sentiment with people. Despite much maligning… the essence of the axiom describes the truth of the matter. Guns are a reality. Nothing can change that fact now. No amount of prohibition will undo what has been done.

The redeeming nature of guns is that we can use them as a means to dissuade their usage. We can literally return fire for fire… though the real disincentive is the threat of that possibilty. Japan thought better of a mainland invasion of the US, because they imagined a rifle hiding behind every blade of grass.

A gun in the hands of someone who is not properly acquainted with them is not a useful deterrent… and can be quite dangerous. Though this argument as a reason to prohibit them is foolhardy… for the reasons I previously mentioned.

Gun advocates acknowledge the unfortunate reality for what it is. Advocation is in regards to the fact that prohibition is much deadlier than the alternative. The countless millions killed after being disarmed can attest to the fact. Why would anyone argue that the central governance of any state… which are responsible for the vast majority of all killings since society has existed… should solely be privileged to possess killing tools?

Answer #9

No. Definitely not. I also think the right for every home to own one is ridiculous.

Answer #10

My dad is an avid hunter and owns several guns, he also grew up around them. He uses common sense and only loads them when he uses them out in the woods. He keeps the bullets and shells locked in a safe at home.

Answer #11

Only for self protection.

Answer #12

They do. That’s why you need to learn how to use it properly.

Answer #13

No. I love that I live in a country where owning a gun is almost unheard of.

Answer #14

I don’t have a problem with people choosing to have a gun for self-defense purposes, but I don’t think EVERYONE needs to know. I think our world is a sad place that it is becomming so necessary to find ways to defend yourself.

Answer #15

Yes. When you have the chance to learn using it why not? That would just be an “in case protection” and doesn’t mean would lead you to comitting a crime.

Answer #16

Yes, it is not necessary for everyone but for those which have guns. So they should know how to use it and when it should washdown. So,when it will serviced time to time then it will work more better. So there are many agencies or websites or companies such as which provide this facilities.

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