Does taking about things always help?

I mean people are always saying that if you talk about it it will get better, yet everytime I talk about certain things I just feel worse, yet not talking about them doesn’t make me feel particularly bad. I had a few bad personal experiences a few years ago and have never talked about them (maybe just told someone), yet when I don’t think about them I feel better than when I do. Does anyone else here feel the same about these things?

Answer #1

talking doesnt always help. i mean, it does sometimes, but other times it can just get you down. i think there are certain subjects and experiences that talking will help, but some are just too sensitive to talk about with someone and wont help at all. if im going thru something and i dont wanna talk about it, i will usually write or just talk to myself about it. so i guess the answer is no: talking doesnt always help.

Answer #2

Well personally when I talk about things I feel better because I tend to keep all my anger and all my problems inside, and it just builds and builds making me even more overwhelmed, when i talk about my promblems or anything i feel better because i have someone to talk to, and i dont have to hold it all in, i can let it out. But I think that you are the type of person that will feel better if you just don’t mention it. My brothers like that, when he has a problem, he never goes back to it I mean like he just keeps it in, he doesnt talk about it to anyone or anything like that, he hates repeating the problem over and over i guess its just harder to re-tell/ go threw the same thing over and over each time you talk to someone about it. Just don’t think about it, and you’ll end up forgeting about it. I guess, lol idk. But anyways good luck with all your problems and what not lol =) !

Answer #3

I have to agree & disagree on that one…why?! some issues are just not something you want shared with others…it’s your personal issues. On the other hand, by you talking about it, actually allows another person that just may have gone through the same thing feel just a little less ashamed about it…perhaps allows them to gain the confidence to say hey I know what you mean because I went through it too!

Once you have that going on perhaps another person reads that & can cope with it & also has the opportunity to talk about & see that they arent alone as well making it easier to let things go!

Not all of can be as open as just typing their feelings out especially when it means a secret you didnt know about before has now been revealed making them feel perhaps a little over exposed…making them feel a bit weak.

Personally, for me its a lot easier now a days to talk about it because I have had the time to deal with a lot of issues…and I am trying to let some of you guys know that you are not alone…so you can either feel ok stating that you have been through it as well & perhaps getting some closure or just another shoulder to cry on or simply a hug!

hope this helped!

Answer #4

No one feels better while they’re talking about bad stuff (it’s painful, it is painful to talk about). Pretty much everyone feels better not thinking about painful stuff. It’s the afterwards that is the difference. Generally when you talk about something, it allows you to process it and deal with it (with the right person). Not to say you cant do that on your own. But it’s easier to ignore something if we’re not talking about it. And the problem is that stuff that doesnt get dealt with, sticks around, and has an effect on you anyways. However, there is a huge difference between discussing a problem and ruminating. Women (in general) tend to obsessively discuss stuff and go round in circles complaining to their friends. This doesnt help. It helps creates bonds and stuff because of the sharing but it can also lead to an increase in depressive feelings. Also, the whole let your anger out and vent being helpful, that’s not entirely accurate. When women call to rant and complain, although their friends think they are being helpful, it tends to increase the anger and rage. Not always helpful. So, it depends. One thing though, avoiding painful thoughts is never helpful. It can be in the short term (say in a moment of crisis), but in the long run it does more damage than good.

Answer #5

It varies from person to person and topic to topic. Sometimes it takes a while to be ready to talk about things too. Or there’s somethings you can only about to or with certain people. Personally, talking helps for me. Lack of communication can just build up issues. A friend of mine has been dealing with some really bad stuff for 6-7 years now because he won’t talk about it, but it still really affects him.

Answer #6

See, i think its better to just get it off your chest, because you might still feel bad, but at least you wont feel guilty or as sad or mad or etc… But sometimes it just doesnt feel right to talk to people, so what i do (and i highly recomened this) is that i lay in bed, look at my ceiling, and start talking about whats wrong. wheather you call it god or just to speak and reason with your self, i find it usally helps.

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