10 month pit mix training help


I am in search of some training help and came across your webpage. Last week, my husband and I adopted a 10 month old pit mix. She has never had any training. She definatly shows potential but has an attention span of about 30 seconds. She flat out ignores us, she is so easily distracted. She is also showing some aggressive behavior. She lunges and growls at EVERYTHING. Any noises and especially other animals. She shows no aggression towards us, but barks at others until they are close and speak to her. We would love to get her a trainer, but financially we are unable to do that. We need help. She is house broken for the most part. We have been positively reinforcing her there and have had no accidents so far. We can get her to obey the ‘sit’ command inside the house, but the second we step outside, she is distracted and clueless. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Danielle Smeal

Answer #1

Mandy…shock collars are only as cruel as the person with their thumb on the button…If one of my German Shepherds started getting it’s “kicks” from chasing the horses, I’d buy one in a minute…it’s the ONLY way to get a dog’s attention that’s a quarter of a mile away, and intense on doing it’s thing…It will save the dog from getting kicked (which could kill it)…and it would save the horse from running thru a fence (which could kill it)…


Answer #2

Get a remote shock collar. Couple jolts on level 3-4, and she will be doing circus tricks on command.

Answer #3

Omg - NO! That’s collars are cruel and you should never put one your your pet if you love them.

Answer #4

you can use several collars, gentle leader. works well and gives you control. You can use shock collars on lowest level, I use this on my deaf dog to get him to “check in” if he is to far away. They also make vibrating collars, citronella collars, I got mine on E-bay. I puppies training sessions should only be about 15 minutes long. You have a great breed but you need to raise her right. She will need lots of socialize her as much as you can with other animals and people. If she starts to bark at an object coming towards you turn her around and go in the opposite direction. When I walk my dogs they use to pull me and I would turn and go the other way and back again until they did not pull. I felt like a ping pong ball but it works. I would watch Me or the Dog, Ceaser Milan Dog Wisper, they all have great advice to help you with the basic problems you are having. You and your husband need to be on the same team and have a good schedual for her and be persisitant with correction. You can use shock collars but on low setting and don’t abuse it. I have used it on myself before my dog. Good luck and I hope everything comes together for you. It is important to take control Now. before it gets worse.

Answer #5

DO NOT use a shock collar…it is a “last resort”…Because she is a Pit mix, she is very strong in the front (most dogs are, but Pits even more so)…so I would use a prong collar…all discipline comes from the dog itself, instead of you…Another reason for no shock collar, is her behavior doesn’t sound “aggressive” per se, but fearful type aggression…Which means that she needs to be walked in neighborhoods, parks, places where there are new things, new people, other dogs, but with a prong, she will be under control, yet able to “experience” all things in this world. It will also boost her confidence in you as the leader…that you will protect and keep her safe from all those “boogie things” out there that in her eyes, might EAT doggies.

Work on regular obiedence stuff…sit…down…stay…these are confidence builders, too…her knowing and obeying these commands will make walking more pleasant for you, also…What it does for her? It builds confidence by allowing her to do the right things a please her master…Whenever you’re teaching a new thing, ALWAYS go back to something she knows so every training session ends happily…

She’s only 10 months old…that is puppy…and they do go in and out of fear stages (as well as “testing mom/dad” stages, until 18 to 24 months. She is still very malable…and not set her ways at all.

It will take time…when she comes across something that is scaring her (she will bark, her body will stiffen), if it’s a stationary object…stop, and wait for her to relax,,,then move forward until she stiffens again (the object of this lesson, is to increase her comfort zones) DO NOT turn the other direction, or you will confirm her fears…she will think YOU are afraid, also…or if it’s on a sidwalk, say someone is coming towards you, keep the forward motion going, if that’s too hard, pull off to the edge of the sidewalk, put her in a “sit”…and let the person passby, immediately after, continue your forward motion…she will figure out that there is nothing to fear.

The one thing about Pits and their crosses (as well as German Shepherds, Rotties, Dobies…all “gladiator type dogs”)…YOU have to be a strong, confident and fair leader…these breeds WILL take over the leadership role if you show weakness (ie: sympathy, fear, nervousness)…Don’t feel sorry for her because she is scared…SHOW her that YOU are not afraid…she will follow your lead, but it will take time for bonding and confidence to build. (TIME and consistancy are the true foundations of training any dog).

Get her a prong…they look terrible, but actually the dog figures out VERY fast that if it’s not pulling, the collar is not hurting…they are wonderful for these very strong breeds.

You can use the prong with a “long line” also, in places where she can run fairly freely…25 to 30 feet of nylon cord, knots every 12 to 14 inches, so you can step on it before she gets distracted by things in the field…it’s an excellent training tool.

There are LOTS of sites on the internet that tell you exactly HOW to train basic obedience (sit…down…stay)…if you want fine details on any of this, feel free to funmail me…

Don’t forget exercise…and LOTS of it…that improves hearing…an old motto…”a tired dog, is a GOOD dog” :)

Congrats on your new dog…!!! :)

PS…remember TIME…all training takes time…


PS…on the prong collar…think of it as a “hearing aid”…a young pup is hard of hearing :)…snapping the leash gets her attention, she will hear the collar, and “feel” it…you will NEVER hear a yelp, because they don’t hurt hurt…just a pinch that says “Hey, I’m talking to you”…

NEVER leave the prong on when you’re just hanging out at home, it’s only for walking…and they will associate THAT collar with fun…

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