Questions & Answers

  1. How do you cook mushrooms?
  2. Where can I find a biography on Joanne Faletta?
  3. What country are Godiva chocolates from?
  4. What is in a blonde brownie?
  5. where should I go to law school?
  6. Rankings of american universities?
  7. What's the largest breed of draft horses?
  8. where can I find a jigsaw puzzle entitled, "where's Elvis"?
  9. How many legs does a caterpillar have?
  10. who wrote the kids poem "never sit on a squid?
  11. What is a vegan?
  12. Which churches believe in the Rapture?
  13. Who wrote the song Video Killed The Radio Star?
  14. is brown university an ivy league school?
  15. where can i find swinging couples in austin texas?
  16. as a UK citizen, can I be legally married in New York?
  17. where can I buy a sim card for my nokia 3390?
  18. What politicial party ceased to exist while James Monroe was
  19. Who are the children of John Lennon?
  20. What is the sifference between the suni and shis sects of Isl
  21. What is the U.S. location of Procter & Gamble corporate offic
  22. in meteorology, what instrument is used for measuring atomsph
  23. How many astronauts have been on the moon?
  24. At what age did Charles Dickens start working in a boot-black
  25. Where can I find personality tests?
  26. Who founded Microsoft?
  27. What is a person's normal temperature?
  28. which is the tallest mountain in the world?
  29. where can I find the value of a mobile home?
  30. who is the most hated person in the world?
  31. what year did george burns die?
  32. How do I fill a Waterbaby doll?
  33. What is the distance between London and Paris?
  34. what is the name of gerald ford's dog?
  35. what is the chemical symbol for ammonia?
  36. Who serves as the jury when a president is impeached?
  37. What state's name comes from the French words for green and m
  38. What is the lung disease CDS?
  39. What is the distance between Minsk and Warsaw?
  40. What is much-ate?
  41. Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November ?
  42. what is the study of dinosaurs called?
  43. what war occurred in Ireland in 1920?
  44. fear of snakes?
  45. Are computers cleverer than people?
  46. What state has the most Dogs?
  47. what is the largest city on the mississippi river?
  48. Who invented the first telephone?
  49. is nymphicus hollandicus a kind of parrot?
  50. what is the capital city of england?
  51. What was the first satellite in space?
  52. Where can I find information on puritan religion?
  53. what year was Mother Teresa born?
  54. Which country had the smallest population?
  55. What was the Peloponnesian War?
  56. what is bees wax made of?
  57. how many children chaplin had?
  58. what is the name of an inherited skin diseases?
  59. Where is the world's largest peninsula?
  60. Who write the song "When I'm 64"?
  61. Who wrote Jane Eyre?
  62. who is the father of the constitution?
  63. Why does the moon appear larger close to the horizon?
  64. how many records did michael jackson sell?
  65. What does "Sitting Shiva" mean?
  66. What is this year in the Muslim calendar?
  67. Does Pokemon Yellow work on GameShark?
  68. Where did our Christmas traditions start?
  69. How did Halloween originate?
  70. donde esta los chivas?
  71. what does UNC stand for?
  72. How many hairs a cat has?
  73. What famous communist leader died in Mexico City?
  74. Who is Audra Williams?
  75. where can I find singing tips?
  76. Who is Robert Batterson?
  77. When was rosa parks born?
  78. who sings the song 'for everything you do'?
  79. Who is the Greek messenger god?
  80. can a divorced man become a priest?
  81. What is the name of Japan's capital city?
  82. What is a group of Sparrows?
  83. Which country is the leading producer of rubber?
  84. are there any famous persons from Mexico City?
  85. How tall are the Petronas Twin Towers?
  86. What's the name of Hong Kong Phooey's cat?
  87. when was the chocolate chip cookie invented?
  88. why do cats cover their poop?
  89. Who replaced Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd?
  90. what is beastiality?
  91. What is rape exactly?
  92. What is the name of the the canyon that is 277 miles long and
  93. What is the difference between lisp and prolog?
  94. Does milk harm adult cats?
  95. who eats popcorn at midnight?
  96. What is the location of the Sea of Tranquility?
  97. What is the GDP per capita of Taiwan?/
  98. Who was the second man in space?
  99. franklin D. Roosevelt's mother?
  100. What is the difference between coke and pepsi?