Has anyone seen 'Zeitgeist'?

has anyone seen the movie zeitgeist?..if not you should very informative,

Answer #1

I just watched most of it. Section one seemed good, and plausible - it discusses historical precedent for christianity, showing that nearly all its elements come from previous religions, especially solar and astrological worship.

Section two, however, gets deep into 9/11 truthism and conspiracy theory. It uncritically presents a horde of debunked arguments (the WTC was demolished with explosives! there was no plane that crashed into the pentagon!). Name the conspiracy theory, it’s there.

I stopped the movie most of the way through section two - I couldn’t watch any more of that dreck. As a result, I obviously have serious doubts about the accuracy of the first section now, too. This calls for research.

Answer #2

I haven’t seen it; what’s it about?

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