
Is it true that peoples can become famous using youtube? If so I wanna no lolz. But seriously is that true and how?

Answer #1

if your video becomes very popular…then yea I guess

Answer #2

TONS of people have become famous through youtube. I’m personally trying myself. I love to sing :D

Answer #3

if you come up with some good material on videos, preferably a series of very entertaining stuff or one amazing video, then yeah,

the more veiws and hits you get the more popular your video gets and eventuallt if it is somethign that great, you will be famous globally

Answer #4

Yeah, some people have also wit myspace. You just put up videos of yourself singing if you wanna be a singer or dancing if you wanna be a dancer etc, etc and if someone like P-Diddy or 50 cent see it and like it they might record it.

Answer #5

LOL some people receive their 15 minutes of fame via youtube.

If your interested go and view a mate of mine on youtube, he is off his face but its funny as hell…sadly he’s not famous but he did made a fool of himself hehehe ;)

type in the word “crumket” and low and behold he’s on youtube having a hissy fit over his denied credit card…what an A*rse. :)

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