YouTube upload

I try and upload videos on YouTube , they let me if its like off a video camera or something but if I make a video on Windows Movie Maker they don’t let me upload even after a couple of days and they’re the right time and everything how could I get it to work?

Answer #1

There are a few different things that could be wrong with the file.

File Size- The file can’t be over a certain amount of MB’s, it will say on youtube how many.

File type- You may be saving as the wrong file type which youtube cannot support. (a very good video converter is

File length- If the video is too long it will not be uploaded, I think 10 minutes is the limit.

If you have more problems funmail me or leave a comment on my page!!


Answer #2

It has the green ticks when I’ve done it then after on the times and everything it ses 00:00 or something lol x

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