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How do you become a youtube sensation
How do you become a youtube sensation like nigahiga, what the buck and shane dawson?
and no getting sassy people =\
you need to find somthing funny and a great idea,/ A Good Camcorder Good Editing Be Friednly Advertise your ideas.
Get somthing in return Mine is : SuperHugz
You can follow chuchulovely123’s advice (which isn’t bad, by the way), but you have to remember that entertaining people on Youtube (and the internet, in general) can be very hard and takes a lot of time. With so many people out there trying to look for fame, users can easily bypass great entertainers out there. I’ve seen people on Youtube who have a lot of talent (be it in music, video rants, or even making flash animations) but their views or comments are nowhere near the 1000 percentile. Then you have people like Fred, who somehow has his own merchandise (no offense to Fred fans, but I just don’t find him funny whatsoever, yet he’s the most popular guy on Youtube, WTF?).
The only advice I can give right now is to find something you’re good at. Hopefully, you can take that skill and use it in a video. Adding tags that are neccessary to your video helps, too (but don’t add a tag about something that isn’t in your video I.e. putting tags about kittens in a soccer video you made :P). Also, another biggie: don’t spam someone else’s video with comments like “watch my videos”, as most people thumb them down and not look at that person’s channel. This is the only advice I can give, I hope it helps!
P.S. I love Shane Dawson! He’s hilarious! :D P.S.S For some reason, videos about cats seem to do well. :O
Well you just have to come up with an original idea :) Something thats funny and you know people will enjoy. Something unusual and new. It could be anything! You could make your own little comedy series with your friends/family in it :D Just anything really! x
Personality and good video recording quality. Appearance helps too.
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