
Who has blue eyes and blonde hair??

Answer #1

I do. But you wouldn’t know it from my photo - I’m in disguise.

Answer #2

I have blue eyes and had blonde hair when I was younger, then it got darker and is now light brown.

Answer #3

I have blonde hair and blue eyes although im fat and ugly so it doesnt really matter :)

Answer #4

I have blue/green/gray eyes with dirty blonde hair naturally.

Answer #5

wow I though I was a freak. I have blond hair in the summer and it goes light brown/strawberry blond in the winter and my eyes used to be blue but are green now. Wierd.

Answer #6

I have blond hair and my eyes change from blue to green every once and a while.

Answer #7

I have blonde hair and blonde eyes!

Answer #8

I’m sure that’s not true funadvice

Answer #9

I DO!…but my eyes are more of a tealy green but some say blue lol

Answer #10

I have blonde hair I was white when I was younger and bold blue eyes

Answer #11

Whoo me too! Long live the blonde hair blues eyes! we rule :)

Answer #12

me! all natural, although it goes mousy blond in winter >:O(

Answer #13

I Have blue eyes and blond hair..??

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