Adult women, what do you think of pregnant teens?

do teens want to become pregnant I know I did. but do other teens try to concieve at a young age. or are you a young teen and have no desire of getting pregnant. also adult women what do you think about all of us teens having sex and making babies?

Answer #1

I dont think teens should get prgnant because they are going to have to be with him/her all the time and also most of the fathers dont stay with the mothers and dont help with the baby.Also if you are invited out to a party or something you cant just leave the baby home because thats not right unless you get a babysitter and pay them or if the grandparents want to watch them.But pretty much you cant really do much because you have to be with the baby and she also has to go to school.

But on the other hand if a teen really really wants to get pregnant and knows what to do and knows that she isnt really going to have much of a life anymore then yes go ahead and have this baby that you really want because if it makes you happy then thats all that matters. That is my opinion on teens getting pregnant!

Answer #2

When my friends or someone I know get pregnet it is unplaned. Its sad because they in up dropping out of school. I’m not against teen sex because I waas having sex when I was 15. I was smart because I’m always protected when I have sex. That why I don’t have a unplaned child.

Answer #3

I agree with overit. It’s not always smart to have a child so young. Because not everyone are meant to be parents, I believe some teenagers don’t really know how to take care of babies. But anyone knows how to spread their legs wide open and make babies. Just because you can don’t mean you should. It’s just like building a house, you don’t start with the roof first. Meaning that in life there is a time for everything and the right thing at the wrong time pretty much equals the wrong thing.

Answer #4

you knoww.. people judge to fast. I got pregnant in december of last year.. I was pregnant wit twins and I lost them but erryone continued to judge me for no reason at all. now, I might be pregnant again but what they say this time won’t phase me cuzz my babies were a blessing an I lost them so im not gon let no one ruin anything this time!! congrats on yo baby!! he’s a cutie!

Answer #5

well iam a teen mother also..I got prego when I was 16 gave birth when I was 17. I was so tiny with a big belly! everybody looked at me judge me but what bugged me the most was I was going to school and even the teachers looked at me wrong..I was soo upset that I couldnt take it anymore and moved to a different school..I graduated this year with my 1 year old next to me!!! teens should use protection! because its really hard to see a single mother!! to imagine what I went though and thank god my boyfriend/ baby daddy was there!! TO ALL THE TEENAGERS OUT THERE IF A BOY TELLS YOU I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU!!! DONT TAKE NO CHANCES.. STILL WEAR A CONDOM!! AND DONT HAVE ONE JUST BECAUSE A FRIEND HAS ONE BE A LEADER!!! and to all the pregnant or teen mothers!! dont give up just because you have a baby!! live your dream your baby is just a harder path to follow your dreams and make them REAL!!! TEENAGE MOTHERS LIVE YOUR LIFE DONT LET NOBODY TELL YOU NO!! YOU CAN STILL LIVE YOUR DREAM!!

Answer #6

Well, I was young when I had my daughter. I was 17, so I cant be judemental. I just worry because how do the young moms support their babies? My mom was somewhat supportive. She was upset but, did not get so angry that she disowned me or my children. I now have four kids and my mom is still here for me. But, not all parents are thats when the question arises on who helps support the babies. I am meaning finacially.

I look at myself now as a young mom and I will still be young when my children go off to college. That is so nice to think.

How I think about girls having babies? I said before I could not be judgemental. Being on this site I see there are a lot of young mommies. Also, means a lot of young daddies…are they there to help?

With my husband and I working we have a hard times with finances. Thats when I worry..

Sorry for blabbing on and on.

Good luck to all you young moms. Wish you all the best with your babies.

Answer #7

If your a good parent and can say that without a hesitation in your heart then go for it but to the teens out there who keep popping out babies just because a friend has one or because they are too cute then thats when I get jacked off because then it becomes the granparents who end up doing the taking care of baby etc. So many babies are born for the wrong reasons these days and it sucks. On the flip side there are a lot of young girls who do get pregnant most of the time by accident who do a fantastic job at raising their kids. It gets hard though when your 15 and have a baby and then your 30 and have a kid in yr 10 at school who has problems that you may not be able to deal with. Its not all about babies sometimes the long term has to be taken into account. I was a mum at 18 and when my girl was 3 months old we were living on our own. It was really hard and I didnt get to go out etc as my mother said its your baby so your going to be the mum. I found that part not so hard at all but I do wonder today even though I now have an 8 yr old and a hubby if I know what im doing when it concerns my 13 yr old daughter and the probs she goes through. I just honestly do the best I can but I think when this baby (im pregnant) is in highschool I will be that bit older and have a much better idea and maturity to raise a teen. Sorry to crap on :)

Answer #8

I was pregnant with my daughter at 14 and I love her dearly and have been a very good mum in the respect that shes well mannered, attends school and has always been well behaved. in another respect I left school without qualifications and no prospects I spent a long time going from rubbish job to rubbish job simply because I didnt think of the implications of motherhood im dissapionted in myself constantly that I didnt think ahead because at the end of the day my choices affect her life aswell advice to teenage mothers all the love in the world doesnt give a child the security they need financially and believe it or not they need it. its a parents job to make sure there children have security (a babie and college is compatible )

Answer #9

Well I think that sex is something that should be valued and no teens really value sex anymore. I know a lot of girls who have had babies because the guy said they would stick around but then when the baby was born left because of all the responsiblity. It’s stupid and really most teens are not even mature enough to take care of themsleves let alone a child therefore should not be having sex in the first place

Answer #10

if my daughters were to get pregnant as teens, i would support them in every way i could, id hope tho that they would be sensible and wait..but as a teen myself i was lucky to never get preg, so i know what its like..i will try to drum it into them to wait and have sex later in life, if not to be safe..

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