You know whats really pissing me off?

It seems like today every week you’ll hear on the news something like “New study proved that granite tops can give you cancer, more at 11” or “New study proved that the radiation your cell phone gives off can give you cancer”

all this stupid crap about all these things now that can give you cancer and what we should and should not do in the fear of getting cancer.

to me I say bullshit, I’m going to die anyways, so if I get cancer I get cancer, in my personal opinion I don’t think either of those things give you cancer, I think it’s just another form of the media being in control of your lives by attempting to scare you. whats your opinions?

Answer #1

the news is just that there telling us about whats happening, whats been happening, new cures for things ect the reason for all these new subjects about disease is becausee the world is still learning things are comming out that have side effects but by the time thats knows so many people are already using them …like tanning salons…they all popped up and people started usuing them now not even 5 years on people found at that they increase your risk of skin cancer th demand for new things are so great, there isnt an apropriate amount of time to test things and check all the side effects butwen they find one theyll anounce it …the worlds still learning, people are still discovering things, and people are beginning to find out what things can cause and how to cure those

Answer #2

never take life too seriously…nobody gets out alive anyway…

that being said…take everything you hear with a grain of salt…don’t stress too much…people just need something to talk about…

but if you do get annoyed…contemplate these subject instead…

  1. under water basket weaving
  2. cows
  3. why dogs chase their tails
  4. why woman who get too many face lifts look like scaleless lizards
  5. why does President Bush talk with a Texas accent if he’s not from Texas
  6. do squirrels ever want to eat anything else but nuts?
  7. Why do all superhero movies seem to take a huge dump after the second movie in a trilogy?
  8. will scientists ever figure out a way to get cars to run on farts? and if so…will th bean market sky rocket?

sorry…just figure all of these would get you to either laugh or smile…anyhow…don’t take it all too seriously…just have fun with life and stop worrying if cell phone is going to give you brain cancer…

what you should be worried about is if that bush near your house is really a radio active monster that wants to eat your pinkie toes…

Answer #3

You can die from anything these days. You can’t even walk on the sidewalks without having a chance of being killed or something. Or even a certian kind of dog in your house. It’s all just bullsh*t,

Answer #4

I quit watching the news years ago.

Other than being unprepared for an occasional rain, I’ve noticed no loss from my ignorance.

Answer #5

The media generally does a poor job of reporting science news. One study does not a fact make so you have to wait around for these things to be tested more to see if indeed the results are valid. Don’t worry too much about the alarmists - they are just trying to sell their stories.

Answer #6

you know whats worse? pink washing. google it. its very interesting.

Answer #7

I agree totally

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