Yes or No?

Ok, so I have two best guy-friends, and one asked me out, but I have a crush on the other one, but I don’t even know if he likes me too. If I say no, then I’ll probably loose a good friend, and If my other friend dosn’t like me, then it was all for nothing. If I say yes, then If my other friend likes me, he won’t get a chance to ask me out. Should I say yes or no?

Answer #1


Answer #2

You haven’t actually stated how you feel about the guy who actually has asked you out. In this case you should definitely say no. You need to use some common sense here. If you start dating a friend, that could impact on your friendship a lot more than turning him down. He cannot expect you to say yes and furthermore, he cannot get mad at you if you say no. It is entirely your decision and seeing as you like somebody else, it would be foolish of you to involve yourself with the guy who actually asked.

Do some things for yourself because life does not exist to do you any favours. If you don’t know how the other guy feels and yet you have a crush on him, maybe you should talk to him and actually find out where you stand. If you sit back and wait for things to happen, then you run the risk of latting things slip through your fingers. Obviously, you should say no to the guy who asked you out (dating someone when somebody else means more to you and is on your mind a lot would be apoor decision). Saying no will hurt him less than saying yes and then betraying him (or thinking about another guy).

Explain to your friend that you do not feel the same way and that furthermore, you fear that this whole issue could damage your friendship. Tell him that you would rather be his friend and (if you are comfortable with telling him) you can explain to him that somebody else is on your mind. Just be true to yourself and actually make a decision. If you want the other guy, go for him, otherwise you could end up hurting the guy who asked (which would be very selfish). I hope all goes well :)!

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