Yellow stains in my Knickers?

Hi I woz just wondering wether its normal that I always have yellow stains in the gusset of my knickers its not fluid its just like a stain when eva I wear them can you help me?

Answer #1

Lexicon nailed it. I would also like to add that a lot of girls will wear panty liners to keep from staining them.

Answer #2

Yes to all the above but I hate panty liners! They waste your money and spoil the environment! Wash every day, change your panties every day, accept a bit of discharge… Don’t be ashamed of being a woman.

Answer #3

this happens to me 2!!! I was worried about but I phoned childline and they told me that it was discharge and I wood probably get my period soon… dont worry periods dont hurt I’ve got mine now…they just giv you stomach cramp…u shood call childline 2 if your still worried they dont tell your parents and they neva laugh @ u!! its A free no. 0800 1111… also try putting sanitry towels in your knickers or try using a tampon…ther should b sum in your skl. hope this helps!!

Answer #4

I am also curious about this too . my qf stains her panties and it turns me off . I had this problem when I was a little qirl - but now for some reason I dont. does this mean I don’t sweat down there as much anymore -or I clean better ? I dont know . weird .

Answer #5

Clarification for some of you, do NOT wear tampons if you do not already have your period, even if you have discharge as this can cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome)

Answer #6

I’m scared of asking my mum when im going to actually start my period! Do You know how long this yellow stains lasts for?

Answer #7

I have the same problem - I want to ask my mum about it but I’m scared she will laugh at me.. I haven’t started my period yet but I do have a pack of sanitary towels incase, should I use those to prevent my discharge from staining my undewear?

Answer #8

It could be a mark from discharge- most women have some sort of mucus discharge released from the vagina between periods. It’s like a disinfectant your body makes to keep yourself clean down there. It’s perfectly normal. If you’re worried about it, you could soak your underpants in bleach to get them white again.

It could also be from sweat, as that tends to leave yellow marks on things (and yes, we do sweat down there!), or a possible stain left over from menstrual blood.

Answer #9

yer i get yellow stains in my pants ; havent started peridos, i thought discharge was ment to be white. i dont think its pee stains. So do you think i its discharge stains in my pants?

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