YAZ- same time everyday?

Why do I have to take it the same time everyday. What happens if I cant take it at that time? Does it have to be the same time, or is that just for precautionary crap?

Answer #1

You are supposed to because then you get the hormones in you body every 24 hours. If you would wait 12 hours longer your body could ovulate and then you could become pregnant. When they say take it at the same time everyday you should listen because if you don’t then the pill is not as effective.

Answer #2

It’s very important to follow the directions - which means taking it at exactly the same time each day. I learned the hard way…for the first three months I took it at the same time each day. But, I started to get lazy, and sometimes I’d take it in the morning, sometimes at noon, sometimes late at night - sometimes I’d double up if I completely forgot. Well, I started noticing side effects when I did this. For starters, I gained 15 pounds (and I’m someone that could eat a horse and actually lose weight). Not only did I experience weight gain, but it messed with my emotions! I got incredibly angry and paranoid, depressed and crying over the smallest things…not fun. Yaz can be great, if you follow the instructions your doctor gives you. My skin cleared up real well on Yaz (I’m an acne sufferer) - but my skin looks fabulous now. I started doing research on Yaz when I started to notice my side effects, and really thought about it - and that is when I determined - the one thing I started doing differently from month two to month three was taking the pills at different times, and skipping days. So, something to think about… : )

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