Why would she do this?

ok. a close friend of mine (the girl mentioned in the story of my last question) knows I like her and want her more than a friend, she doesnt have a boyfriend or girlfriend now and she says she only sees me as a friend, but then she teases me about the things that she does with her female ‘sex friend’- we were talking earlier while she was out with this girl and she starts tellin me that she going to try and get her female sex friend to ‘christen’ (have sex in) her new car- I didnt know what to say so I just said ‘have fun, txt me later if you want’. a few hours later she txts me sayin ‘result!!’ so I asked her if she got lucky, and she only replied with ‘hehe. what you up 2 anyway’ so I said ‘I take that as a yes then lol, im just watchin tv, well tired tho’, and she replied ‘well that would be telling, im off to bed now- shes knackerd me out lol nite nite’.

I dont understand why she would do that, she knows I want her as more than a friend. is she teasing me and trying to make me jelouse?do you think she likes me? or is that a womans way of trying to ‘push someone away’ so to speak? please help, im really confused now.

Answer #1

That ‘s hard. She could like you but I dought it if shes teasing you like that. Maybe she’s just trying to get your attention. Maybe you need to ask her one more time in a more serious way if she likes u. She probably is trying to make you jealous.

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