My ex girl.. Being a bich

Omfg!! I hate this about girls!! Ok so I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday and she’s fucking botching at me!! Cursing at me!! and talking bout me!! and I dumb her because she wasn’t what I expected so I know I’m not wrong!!

Answer #1

There’s no reason for you to even bring this up; other than to gloat, or for attention. So drop it… move on…

Answer #2

Ok… I ain’t a guy but I am a girl who’s boyfriend broke up with her over a text message yesterday and then wanted to be friends and Turns around today and he already has a new girlfriend…

I flipped on my ex today becuase someone told me about someting he did while we were going out. But you need to give the girl sometime her emotions are all mxed up. She is sad that it is over, mad that you broke up with her,and then she has what ever good thoughts and times with you going through her mind but then she always has to come back to where you dumped her…

Answer #3

Steph again has a point,every girl that you date will cuss at you,not every girl,if you did something wrong. Plus why let it bother you when you should know to be smart about it all. If you asked her out on the spot when you first met her,not a good idea,you will want to get to KNOW the girl before going anywhere.

If you can’t handle it,simply let her go completely,don’t pay her any attention if you go around her during the day,not hard.

Answer #4

Hey come on … why did you dump her man?

Answer #5

then if your not wrong why are you letting what she says about and to you, bother you…? you guys arent together nemore… shes is no longer your concern… you cant make her shut up… so ignore her.

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