y do all guys like her?

ok well me and my firend have the same personallity we both act the same and do the same things. she looks like me too. we weigh the same and have the same hair color and everythinh. why do all guys like her?!?!?!?!?!?!?! its starting to annoy me becasue every guy I like likes her and I just want one guy that I like to like me and not her. why do all guys like her??

Answer #1

maybe she talks to boys more then you do she also could be more flirty and easy than you are.

good luck!

Answer #2

umm never happend to me but I would gues couse she might have sumn she iz hiding from you I mena this might sound weird but maybee she does more with the guys that you do like in a sexual way im not encuraging you to have sex but you know what I mean

Answer #3

I think you should stop worrying about what ahe has and look at what you have and maybe theres somthing you do that makes guys not like you that way!

Answer #4

there must be SOMETHING about her. if you guys were really that alike, dont you think guys would like you too? maybe she’s more confident.

Answer #5

I hate that!! but something has to be different between you two for all the boys to like her and not you.

Answer #6

yea, I bet she is “easy”. You might be the same but there most be some key difference between you two.

Answer #7

maybe she is secretly sluttier. that’ll always get you popular with the guys >.>

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