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S0 t0day at a f00tball game I was with my m0m and aunt and this guy I really really like came and talked 2 every0ne, and then after 5 min he said he had 2 g0… But he winked at me after… And then a few days ag0 he asked me wh0 I had my eyes 0n…and he asked me 2 his s0ccer game…help :p

Answer #1

lol, I HATE you. just kidding, lol, just kidding, but I wish my crush could drop some OBVIOUS hints like that if he does indeed like me. he’s so confusing. normally, I can tell if a guy likes a girl, if it has nothing to do with me, but if I like a guy, that clouds my ability, uber-confusing…

Answer #2

aww..=) he likes u.. I don’t really understand the question

Answer #3

YAY haha thanks, sry im tired my questi0n just was what d0es all it mean l0l

Answer #4

that, that is called he likes you.

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