What happens after your period?

im 13 and I still have not gottn my period! I feel so self conscious about it because every girl I know already has it. I startd puberty when I wus 6 but am still not finishd. iz it true your boobs get twice the size and wut duz it feel like when you get your period! I need HELP!

Answer #1

From what I’ve read, normal age is 12 - 16.

Answer #2

every girls age varies when it comes to starting period crap. be VERY thankful you don’t have your yet. cramps feel like a balloon expanding inside you…and it starts at very inconvenient times.

Answer #3

just rrelax and wait for it. youl soon find out.. its natural.

Answer #4

you should get it around now or soon some people dont get it untill there 18 if your about 17 and dont have it, then you can start to worry its also lilkely that not everyone you think has it does a lof of people are self conciouse and will say they got theres even if they didnt you and all your freinds devolop differently and at different rates your boobs dont really grow twice the size it depends on you, genes, ect they can grow huge, and even not grow att all but theyll stop growing at around 18-21

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