wud you?

wud you get worried if your boyfriend hangs around wit aload of girls like 2day he wouldnt text me bk all day and I sent him on a pic and asked if he liked it and the girl hu he was wit texted bk no darlin ha. and I texted bk this aint ian! and dey goes dont be gettin smart wit me and den he texted me sayin that was on of the lads sorry babe dey sed they were messin and he didnt text me bk till about 3 hours when he was going in what is that all about like what shud I do please help!!!

Answer #1

he is very disrespectful of your feelings. respect yourself more than that. find someone who shows you attention,not everyone else and lies about it.

Answer #2

He sounds very careless I wouldnt trust him to much help urself by choosing whats right and if you think you can make everything work out with no problems then stay with him but if you think you cant then I would find someone else that is more respectful =) Good Luck!! -Julz xoxo

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