Is there something wrong with my sister's Guinea Pig?

Basically my sister and I have a Guinea Pig each, they are both 2 years old and will be 3 in August. Quite recently we’ve noticed that my sister’s Guinea Pig is a lot larger around the stomach area particually on one side. I have gently felt around the area and is does feel quite large. My Guinea however, has a much more equal body size and appears healthy. I know Guinea Pigs are supposed to get bigger throughout life and thinner when they get older, but is the size of my sister’s Guinea Pig normal? We are not breeders and they haven’t been near any male Guinea Pigs, so there is no way that she is pregnant? Could it be a tumour? I do hope not. Her behaviour is normal and she is active, and they both receive a health diet daily. If you have any ideas of what might be wrong then please help. Im not majorly worried but it has just grasped my attention.

Answer #1

Well I am not a vet, however this sounds A LOT like an ovarian cyst, especially since the guinea pig is a female.There are various kind of cysts that guinea pigs suffer from but the most common is the Sebaceous Cyst, with the Ovarian cyst coming in at second place. The reason I think it is probably an ovarian cyst, and not a sebaceous cyst, is because you say the guinea pig has a larger stomach area. an ovarian cyst could cause the guinea pigs abdomen to swell, and one side of it to be like a hard lump. I would suggest you take it to the vet as soon a you can. The vet will be able to tell if this is indeed an ovarian cyst, and will be able to treat it. However, ovarian cysts can grow up to the size of a golf ball and still cause the animal no discomfort. but one of the side effects of them is that it makes them hyper active when they are in season. Sometimes surgery is necessary to remove them, but usually they manage to live a normal life unlike what it would be like for a woman a cyst the size of a football in her.

Answer #2

Since they are nearing 3 years old, they are both into “old age”, where things do start to wear out and go wrong. Since this is a new development, I think there probably is something going on…it’s not bad enough yet to cause her distress….but I’d take her into the Vet, in order to have a heads up on possibilities…and a tumor is one. Most likely NOT an ovarian tumor, but the liver, or pancreas….


Answer #3

It could possibly be a tumor, like I said I am not a vet. This is why I suggested taking it to the vet. They would know exactly what it is.

Answer #4

guinea pigs live till about 12

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