Would you wear your seatbelt if you didn't have to?

if it wasn’t a law…would you wear your seatbelt?

why or why not?

Answer #1

I would wear one. It is stupid not to and of almost all the very serious accidents I have seen the only living ones where the guys who wore seatbelts. So it is stupid not to wear one.

Answer #2

I wouldnt because say if a cars comming… a seatbelt isnt going to help you cause its flexable and im pretty sure a car can get through a 4 inch seatbelt

Answer #3

I’ve been in over 10 wrecks in my life, one could have been fatal if we weren’t wearing out seatbelts, so yes I wear mine all the time. I need to live to be a mother to my son, and doing something as stupid as not wearing a seatbelt to me is immature and irresponsible.

Answer #4

I would because someone I know was in a car accident and if he didnt wear his seatbelt, he most likely would’ve died. so yaa I would definetly wear a seatbelt even if it weren’t a law

Answer #5

of course, I’ve almost been in soo many car accidents and the seat belt helps you stay safe. I dont want to die…

Answer #6

it’s not about that. a seatbelt helps when you’re in an accident; it prevents you from being thrown through the windshield when impacted in an accident or if your brakes fail, etc. and, if you should have to slam on your brakes for anything, you won’t leave your seat; although the seatbelt is flexible, it’s very strong.

Answer #7

that isnt the point in seatbelts, if someone whacks behind you, you would fly through the window, and if youve seen the advert with the cracking lungs and stuff… ugh, yeah, that will happen

I hardly wear my seatbelt anyway, I know its stupid but I hardly use the car. I only get dropped off at town and stuff. I will start wearing it tho…

Answer #8

Yerp, why not do you wanna get killled/


Answer #9

ok, I did not read what others put , so just to tell you what it is going on. I ride a motorcycle and none of us wear helmets. we don’t have to. but the last friend we just lost was not due to a motorcycle accident. it was due to a car acciedent and he lost his life. not wearing a seat belt and went through the wind sheild . he was 34 years old. was a great guy. just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. and is now dead. I don’t know if that seat beat would have changed his mind, but I would sure like to think so, because he would still be here. so think about it.

Answer #10

I dont wear it (and the police here have better things to do with their lives than pull people over for not wearing a seatbelt). I dunno, I was in a car accident and some how flew into the back seat (cant remember exactly how that happened), but nothing more than a couple of bruises… I probably would have been more hurt by the airbag… so I dunno…

Answer #11

yes they do save lives if you dont want to go flying out the front window or through the metal wearing a seatbelt will save your life in a lot of cases and dying because of not wearing a seatbelt would be a stupid death many people die, especially before holidays like christmas because they didnt wear one cars are dangerouse things, there not toys, if you want to drive one you at least need to wear the safety gear just like when you start out riding a bicycle…you wear a helmet

Answer #12

I actually started wearing mine in the last 2 years… HAVING to wear them, pissed me off…it’s a law to protect “self”…not a law to protect others (so far I’ve yet to hear of a human projectile killing an innocent party)…The only reason I do now is racking up $80 in no-selt tickets…but it’s an easy habit to get used to, so I did.


Answer #13

when you step on the brake sudennly the piston will activate the seatbelt and the seatbelt will lovk not allowing you to move much

Answer #14

well. I have a fear of driving in cars so I always wear a seatbelt when I am in a car

Answer #15

Yes absolutely. As a firefighter I have worked accidents where people were wearing seat belts and others where they were not. Trust me you would want to wear a seat belt after that. I’ve seen people without seat belts thrown from the windshield and… Well it wasn’t pretty. My sister in law refuses to wear one but if she is riding in my truck I will sit there until she put it on. Take it from a guy that knows first hand. Click it or die.

Even if you have a head on collision. Your body is traveling at the same speed as your car. When your car come to a sudden stop (crash) you body (and organs and brain) is still traveling at that former speed. A windshield won’t stop you and if it does it won’t be pretty. A seat belt is designed to stop you. You might get a bruise or seat belt burns if the crash is bad enough. But its better than the alternative.

Answer #16

I just finished a bunch of federal driving courses, the seat belt statistics are a real eye opener.

as jester said- the human body continues to move forward at the same rate the car was traveling before the collision- that person (not in a seat belt) becomes a projectile- and if they are in the back seat- that person can seriously injure anyone in their path.

the films during my driving courses were pretty shocking- there was a taxi driver ,with a camera installed in his vehicle, involved in a collision- he was flying all around the interior of his vehicle because he was not wearing a seatbelt- just trying to visualize that happening to me was horrifying- that taxi driver died. they said the accident would have been survivable if he was buckled up.

a state trooper- who has responded to thousands of accidents during his carreer- states “he has never had to remove a dead body from a seat belt”. a testament to the fact that seat belts will keep you alive- you may still be injured- but you will live.

being ejected from a vehicle is the worst thing that can happen to a human, lots of dead bodies are found outside of the vehicle, and the photos I have seen are very horrific indeed- twisted mangled - broken dead people, who should have survived if only they wore their seat belt. a seat belt will increase your chances of surviving a crash by more than 50%- those are very good odds. I am thinking of training to be an EMT and I imagine I will get a chance to see people who haven’t worn their seat belts. I WILL ALWAYS WEAR MY SEAT BELT- EVEN IF THERE WAS NO SEAT BELT LAW. IT’S JUST GOOD COMMON SENSE.

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