Would you believe evidence or ignore ?

The Obama campaign denies he is truely for the ‘Redistribution of Wealth’ - taking your money and giving it to someone else, determined by the Government - Would you believe audio evidence in his own words ?

Answer #1

Note: this the headline on Drudgereport.com

Answer #2

I think I would believe it but sadly it really didnt matter which you picked both want higher taxes

Answer #3

I heard part of the audio this morning before I left for school and all I can say, socialism! I don’t believe in Obama one bit!

Answer #4

Amblessed, ALL I can say, ALL most of us can say is LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!

Lol. Pants on fire, like they will be when YOU are in hell burning along with the rest of us. God knows your lying heart and your dark, evil, judgmental soul.

Answer #5

warmheart, I suggest you listen again. He says nothing of the kind.

Answer #6

RG, you have been pretty funny lately. You must have a lot of time be sitting around thinking up this stuff. But with all that socialism in europe you can just do nothing all day while sponging off the system. Right?


Answer #7

Wow amblessed, this is truly pathetic deception on your part. You do know that your Bible says lying is a sin, don’t you?

Answer #8

the republicans have been doing it for years… giving it to the rich… maybe it’s time the rich paid some of it back?

Answer #9

Please show me where Obama says that he thinks the Warren court should have done something about wealth redistribution?

It was in an interview from 2001…he didn’t really say they SHOULD have done something…what he did say was…they DIDN’T do anything (this is out of context here, but the implication of the whole statement was that he felt they should have)…

I saw it on CNN no less…


Answer #10


Government is funded by taxes to provide services that we cannot pay for individually. Is it redistribution of wealth to pay for police, fire department, sewer system and fresh drinking water. No it is the services that the government supplies for the good of all.

I no longer have children in school, but I certainly don’t complain about my tax dollars building and funding the educational system, because it is a necessary function of government and for the good of this nation to provide as good an education as possible for the future of this country.

You need to get a grasp on what “government” is.

Answer #11

You quite literally have NO idea how America, much less the rest of the world… works…

Answer #12

tehehe RG is funny.

Answer #13


The Warren Court wasn’t that radical? The Warren Court was one of the most liberal and radical courts in history. Your “facts” are as tainted as you attempt to play everyone else’s. Go back and actually read some of the decisions that court handed down. All the liberal, give the criminal more rights decisions that have happened in my lifetime came from that court. It has only been in the past 10 years that some of those decisions have been “softened” by subsequent courts.

As to Obama - I can’t understand what rational thinking people can see in this man. He has no judgment, very few qualifications to be President, he is espousing socialistic rhetoric, and his stated tax plan is smoke and mirrors (please go read the document - don’t get your information from CNN or the New York Times).

McCain has done way worse? What on earth are you referring to?

Answer #14

He associates with William Ayers

Past tense… and the association is irrelevant. He hasn’t been dishonest about his association, and he isn’t being secretive about it.

Eisenhower was ‘associated’ with Stalin in the 40s. That doesn’t mean they share any ideals, morals, values, etc. and is CERTAINLY doesn’t make them BFFs

Answer #15

By the way…

There IS a ‘Socialist Party’ in America, and they have their OWN presidential candidate. And THEY view Obama’s plan for ‘redistribution of wealth’ as having NO socialist elements WHATSOEVER.

So maybe you should learn what socialism REALLY means.

Answer #16

Amblessed: We get it already- you’re pro-McCain/Palin. Good for you. Now, can you please stop trying to push political conversion on us, as you also do with religion.

Most of the people on this website aren’t old enough to vote anyway. So yeah, you’re preaching to the wrong flock. Also, if you bothered to liberate yourself from that FOX tv saturated environment you’re in, perhaps you could expand your mind ten-fold by doing some research.

Man, how many times am I going to have to say this…?

Answer #17

“I care deeply personally for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - considering what He did for me I will always stand up !! - likewise America - I will always stand up for this country and it’s ideals, founding values and it’s Greatness !!”

And does standing up for your religious fanaticism and America also include spreading lies. Because you sure are doing plenty of that. Better ask jesus for forgiveness..

Do you have nothing to say about the lies you posted in this question?

Answer #18

HIS WORDS - note also the Constitution Founders were not radical enough:


Answer #19

“Thank you to all of you who have sent funmails/emails of agreement and support !!”

Yes, you brave souls who showed the courage to funmail amblessed in private rather than debate in public, you shall not be forgotten, and your sacrifices were not in vain!!!

Answer #20

“I heard part of the audio”

Case closed.

Answer #21

…there are many worse things on McCain’s part of the election. Enough said.

Answer #22

I care deeply personally for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - considering what He did for me I will always stand up !! - likewise America - I will always stand up for this country and it’s ideals, founding values and it’s Greatness !! - when I know either is being attacked and wronged, I WILL NOT COWER - I choose to stand up and be counted - I will not roll over like many Sheeple today - both of these choices I can make in America today, I’m not sure at all about tomorrow - If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything - Thank you to all of you who have sent funmails/emails of agreement and support !!

Answer #23

Europeans call it socialism, Americans call it welfare, and Barack Obama calls it change.

Answer #24

In the audio, Obama says the courts take too long. He wants change to take place through legislature, where it is supposed to start. Of, for, and by the people. That change, hopefully, will never happen.

He DOES want redistribution, and WILL try!

Answer #25

haha thats what republicans do! they take money from the poor and give it to the rich! mccain has done wayyy more things that are 100 times worse. go obama!!!

Answer #26

Amblessed, either you are not very intelligent (which I don’t believe), or you have no problem spread GOP lies (which we know is true), or you never actually listened to what was being said in this interview.

Please show me where Obama says that he thinks the Warren court should have done something about wealth redistribution? What he said was the fact that the Warren court didn’t attempt to deal with redistrubution belies the accusations of the court being radical.

“But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. And to that extent as radical as people tried to characterize the Warren court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can’t do to you, it says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn’t shifted. “

No where does he say he thinks it should have shifted that way, infact he said the opposite: “Maybe I’m showing my bias here as a legislator as well as a law professor, but I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. The institution just isn’t structured that way… The court’s just not very good at it and politically it’s very hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard. “

He also was saying that one of failures of the civil rights movement was their focus on court resolutions over communitiy and grass roots organizing that would have been more effective in helping raise the economic opportunities of blacks.

“One of the I think tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that. “

You just love to spead these lies, don’t you amblessed? You must be getting desperate.

Answer #27

“The Warren Court wasn’t that radical? The Warren Court was one of the most liberal and radical courts in history. Your “facts” are as tainted as you attempt to play everyone else’s. Go back and actually read some of the decisions that court handed down. All the liberal, give the criminal more rights decisions that have happened in my lifetime came from that court. It has only been in the past 10 years that some of those decisions have been “softened” by subsequent courts.”

seao2florida, you must suffer from the same disease as amblessed. Did you actually read what I wrote? Where did I ever say it was or wasn’t radical. I was correcting amblessed on his misleading post regarding this interview. But I will bite anyway. Without the warren court we might still have segragation and probably no chance for a black man to ever win the presidency. Do you consider that radical?

“As to Obama - I can’t understand what rational thinking people can see in this man. He has no judgment, very few qualifications to be President, he is espousing socialistic rhetoric, and his stated tax plan is smoke and mirrors (please go read the document - don’t get your information from CNN or the New York Times). “

I suggest you get your info from somewhere other than FOX Noise and conservative wingnut sites. You say nothing substantive here, just republican talking points.

“McCain has done way worse? What on earth are you referring to? “

Uhh, when did I say this?

Answer #28


I don’t know how much reading you do, but I carefully gather my news from many sources. Yes Fox is one of them, CNN is another. I even watch Al Jezeera English edition. Pretty good when they are reporting on hard news.

Republican talking points. Let me spell it out for you. I have in the past, but your memory must be clouded. He is a one term U.S. Senator who has spent half of his time on the Campaign trail - very few qualifications. He associates with William Ayers and called his bigoted, anti American Pastor his friend and mentor - no judgment. He intends to lower the deficit, raise taxes only on the top 5%, he intends to start more social programs. Now that my friend is smoke and mirrors. I will be amazed if he can come close to pulling two out of three off. No my “talking points” are based on facts.

You obviously are one of those who so wants a democrat in office that you’ll ignore any facts to get it done. If Obama were a Republican I’d be voting Dem. and if McCain were a Democrate, I’m sure you would be spouting forth about what a great war hero he is and so deserving of the office.

Don’t pull the Fox news crap on me jimal, THAT is a left wingnut liberal way of attempting to win an argument. You seem to be intelligent, go get your news from many sources. It might surprise you what’s outside of CNN.

Answer #29

I don’t fly, I don’t really care if my package takes a week to arrive, ergo I have no desire to fund an industry I don’t use, yet my tax dollars have went to feed you and yours over the years.

There’s a world of difference in taking my tax dollar and giving it to someone for “spending money”…many who don’t pay ANY taxes already…

Funding schools, roads, penitentaries…are already part of the tax burden, to enhance life in general…no matter if you have children, drive…or commit a crime!

The middle road, would be…distribute that so called wealth, and pay off some of the national debt or make already existing programs actually work…and those who already don’t pay taxes, would still be on an even keel…nothing changed.


Answer #30

The Obama campaign denies he is truely for the ‘Redistribution of Wealth’ - taking your money and giving it to someone else, determined by the Government - Would you believe audio evidence in his own words ?

…coming from you? NO

You made it perfectly clear that any political topics you propose, are intentionally presented in a deceptive manner. And that all Funadvice members should take any political rantings that ooze out of that hazelnutty skull of yours, with a generous amount of skepticism.

In other words: YOU LIE TO PEOPLE, OVER AND OVER. Why don’t you go dig around for some scriptural justification for all the lies you’re spreading. That would be enriching for all of us. Go ahead, tell us: WHY you think its okay for you to lie so much?

I heard part of the audio

…try listening to ALL of the audio, then get back to us.

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