Answer #1

You should love her for this, and next time when you do the same kiss her mouth deeply. Having a g/f who is good at this thing is a big present from the life, you should value her..

Answer #2

(If you were talking about YOUR girlfriend)

By thinking of your girlfriend this way you are losing self respect that you have for her, she has done something for you that many girls feel very un-confident about and you have thrown it back in her face! she is your girlfriend, you both should only be part of oral/sexual intimacy if you love each other and are committed and want to share that pleaseure together.

And may I turn the question around…why would ‘YOU’ think differently about her if ‘YOU’ ejaculated in her mouth…this YOUR girlfriend your talking about…no one else needs to know what you get up to or what you do for each other as long as the two of you know what your doing and have each others consent and feel comfortable with it.

Answer #3

no not at all. most girls would never do this and, if they do the reason they do it is to gain more respect from you.

Answer #4

Ok, this is the normal behaviour.

Answer #5

I understand and I do love her For what shes given me

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