Would this bother you??

Ok, I have been given grief from a few girls because I wear a chain that an ex gave me. I relly like the chain and it means a lot to me, but the majority of people I ask tell me that its wrong and I should not wear it if im with a girlfriend. Me latest ex didnt know but would it have mattered anyways??

Answer #1

if you like it, wear it. I dont think it matters who gave it to u, it wouldnt bother me

Answer #2

The question is - what does it mean to you?

If you like the chain just because it’s a nice chain - that’s one thing, but if you like it because it brings back memories of your ex, than it stands to reason that your current girlfriend would feel hurt by that.

Live in the present - not the past.

Answer #3

I have told them I like it because it looks good and its my favourite chain but they still say its a bad idea to wear it.

Answer #4

is it because you brag about that chain as given by your ex? I, my self won’t be glad to know about it. because for me, if it’s somethin you wanna wear because you like it, not because of it’s history, then good. otherwise, I’d say, “I’ll call you if you’re in… next please!”

Answer #5

I agree with ichibanarky. It has more to do with what the chain means to you than the chain itself. Also, I think it would have to do with how recent of a girlfriend she was and how serious your relationship was. Like, if you dated for two months four years ago, then so what? But if it was a recent, pretty serious long term relationship and I was the first girl you dated after her and you still wore the chain, I would be hurt by that. To me, jewelry is something you wear all the time to keep the person who gave it to you in your thoughts. If you care about your girlfriend, take the chain off. She should be more important and maybe if you treat her right, she’ll buy you one you like better.

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