Would brown hair be too much of a risk?

My hair naturally is a very dark blondeā€¦ but at the moment it is bleached to a very light blonde. I have dark green eyes and pale ivory skin. My friend who has light blue eyes and is naturally blonde dyed her hair brown and it looked good. Now everyones saying I would prob look good with dark cherry brown hair. Is it too much of a risk, because Ive heard that fair skinned blondes shouldnt dye there hair brown >.< ?

Answer #1

The thing to consider is your eye color. Green. I have to agree that some sort of reddish color would probably be best and that color always seems to play off fair skinned people pretty well.

Answer #2

Hey, May I start off by saying your beautiful and you will look beautiful no matter what colour you dye your hair =] But after you said you have green eyes and ivory skin, dude! Dont worry with brown go straight to the black! It might sound crazy but I bet you could pull it off =] Now thats hot!

Answer #3

i have very fair skin and green eyes and my natural hair color is a redish brown but i have died it dark brown before and it turned out good. :)

Answer #4

hello, i have your answer : color fix i am selling it on ebay i bought 2 of them and didnt use the second if you dont belive the hype look at this website!! my ebay user name is 25becca13 http://www.folica.com/one__n_only_Col_r312_1.html

my item : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110156619403&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=001

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