How to know what I am?

When people aks me what I am eg emo,goth etc I dont no what to say I dont really think about it. is there a way of knowing?

Answer #1

ugh I hate when people put labels on people, who are they to say you are goth, emo or whatever! I dont do it to other people and I hate it when it happens to me. you are you and thats it. plain and simple

Answer #2

Just say “I’m myself” Labels hurt people, stereotyping just isn’t right. Some people pretend to be something they aren’t to be “cool” or whatever. Just be yourself though. Don’t label yourself.

Answer #3

Say your dragongal…BE AN INDIVIDUAL

Answer #4

who care’s what you are/; labels are so overrated

Answer #5

People askme that stuff too but I dont classify myself like that XD im mee thats about it XD do you want to be classified as any of that?

Answer #6

Yeah what they said, tell your just you!

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