worth it?

I’ve been dating a girl for 11 months now, and this is the first girl I’ve ever been with. I love her, I think shes great and I love her family and im very attracted to her and everything. lately shes been bringing up marriage and living together and things of that nature and its putting me in a dilemma. she cheated once, very early in our relationship, and she said it was a mistake and I forgave her and I feel like shes made a real effort to make me believe it wouldnt happen again. and it hasnt been brought up in quite a long time. but now that shes getting a little more persistant with the marriage talk I cant help but think that there might be someone better out there, especially since shes the only relationship experience I’ve ever had! and now it seems like all the imperfections about our relationship are starting to get magnified to me, and being single is starting to seem very appealing. so heres the real problem, I honest to god love this girl and have always been thankful to have her in my life, when im with her I just have this feeling that she is special, but at the same time I really want to explore a lot of curiosity I have about being in relationships with other people, and I cant help but think that she hasent exactly lived up to her end of the bargain since we decided to start a relationship. I know im going to second guess myself big time, regardless of which desicion I make, but it just seems like there is no right answer to this one. any insight?

Answer #1

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 years, and neither of us have cheated, and I feel that way too sometimes. But usually the feeling goes away after a few weeks, because I know that what I have with him would be very hard to get with someone else. Its normal to feel like that when you’ve been dating someone that long- especially if you’ve never been with anyone else before. I really can’t tell you what to do, though. If you love her- stay with her. But do you think you could find someone better that you could love even more? Its possible. But what if you don’t- then you just lost someone you truly loved, and she might not take you back. its really a hard decision. You could tell her you want to take a break- that way you will be more likely to get back together, and when/if you do, things might be more exciting again. I would tell her that you love her and you want to be with her, but you’ve been doubting your relationship and you just need some time to think about it..

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