Worst Birthday Experience Ever

ok, today is my birthday and all of my friends, except for 1, who shares the same date w. me, forgot! I had 2 remind them.never have I had a worse birthday. I’ve talked about my birthday for WEEKS and none of them remembered. I know all of my friend’s birthdays and have never forgotten. I’m not asking for anything, just a “happy birthday, you!” is all. I always do the same for them and I dont know why it’s so hard for them to do the same for me. it is my 2nd birthday w. my current friends and it is my worst ever. I felt like crying every time I talked w. friends who I told that my birthday was today and they forgot. some of them, I didn’t get a chance to tell, so I dont mean them. as soon as I told them, they wished me a happy birthday. what do you think about this? has this ever happened to u? any stories or advice 2 share? I need cheering up, I feel so UNAPPRECIATED…

Answer #1

well my birthday when I turned 15 was worse um, my moms boyfriend left and threatened to leave with my little brother everyone was in tears and screaming I tried killing myself. this was over a year ago. I’ve moved on, you can too.

Answer #2

Things that Are Very Annoying on Your Birthday or Christmas is when People don’t care to hang out with you and get


KNOW you more, so when they DO get you a present (Even when You told them what things

You like) They buy you a Horrible Gift and it makes you feel really bad cause you don’t

know how to take it when They’re sitting there starring at your reaction while you open it up. Oh! . . um…wow. ..na . . nice! and when everyone goes home you plan to sell it or toss it in your closet or Trash!

That’s annoying when people don’t take the time to get to know you well enough to see what you like and don’t like and When they don’t Listen.

One Birthday I was turning 10 or something, but I was already growing out of “Stuffed Animals” I shouldn’t blame them but My grandparents got me a mini mouse and Mickey mouse Stuffed and You could tell they were out of a box sitting out in the rain cause they smelled , where dirt and Stinky =/ Plus I got a bunch of Dolls. . UGH!

Answer #3

this is super duper late. but my boyfriend (at the time) broke up with me the day before my 16th. he said he wouldn’t have dont it at such a bad time if he remembered my bday.

Answer #4

no personal experiences really…but on my one cousins bday she and some friends went to a concert and were woken up the next morning to find out my other cousins killed himself. another one, my friend’s 16th bday her parents caught her doing it and had the guy put in jail, and put her on lockdown. happy sweet 16!..

Answer #5

On my 19th birthday my dad, stepmother and granny took me out to the mall. My stepmother was about as nice as Cinderella’s. She told me that day that I should be wearing different clothes and start dressing like “normal” people. My dad didn’t say a word. That really hurt my feelings. When I got home, my mum, sisters and everyone else was having a small party for me, but I stayed in my room and cried for about an hour, before I came down to blow out my candles. I felt that it ruined my birthday. I know I’ll never forget how hateful that woman was to me.

Answer #6

I know how you feel - last year I had my 40th and had hoped it would be really special. However -apart from 1 sister that showed up my entire family never even acknowledged it . Not my husband, my kids, my Dad, aunts , sisters etc talk about feel taken for granted. Like you I always do the birthday thing - if I dont buy a present I buy a card . Eventually though my dad did show up - 2 months later on my sisters birthday ! It left me wondering who drank my wine and ate my chocolates! lol

Answer #7

Not me, but a girl in my drama class has had a worse experience. She is really shy, she has like 3 brothers, and on her birthday her entire family forgot. She was happy enough not to point it out, thinking they were planning a surprise for her or something… but they just plain forgot! Poor girl. She said it was for her 10th birthday… Hope you feel better about your friends. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It might be a bit late now though… Britz

Answer #8

okay, this sat actually was my bday and I told three friends to come to my house at 330 to go to movies and dinner. okay, 330 comes and passes and none of them show up. I start to call people. one thought we showed up at the movie theatre. one doesnt know where I live and one was not sure what was going on. but thankfully, it didnt take them liong to get to my house so we were still able to make the movie hahaha. I had fun though. I was really depressed though before. oh and because they were coming over. my mom made me soend the whole noring cleaning the house and the yard. so that was a fun bday. clean the house and yard for people who only stayed in one room. gr.

Answer #9

Yup I can relate..When I turn 21 January gone, everyone told me happy birthday except my dad…Deep down I was like pissed and I did a really mean thing…When It was his birthday (which was a few days after mine) I didnt tell him happy birthday and then he was like Did you know today is my bday? So you’re not going to tell me happy bday? I honestly didnt know how to respond…It made me realise that he had simply forget…His brains are getting older so its like expected and yeah I just got over it and moved on…

Answer #10

Well, I’ve never really had my friends forget, but last year on my birthday my sister’s boyfriend’s grandpa died and our families are really good friends so it was kind of rough. I was kind of upset because I was like today is supposed to be a happy day! Its my birthday, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Plus on that day I was stuck in Summer PE and Driver’s Ed ALL DAY! So, it wasn’t my most favorite birthday. lol, but I’ll get over it. :)

Answer #11

:) yeah my 21st was pretty much the same thing… they all forgot, and I only heard from my parents…

Answer #12

I had 2 live threw a tornado on my 7th b-day

Answer #13

Nope but “Happy Birthday you!”

Answer #14

When I was 10 on 25th October, my grandmother died, not so bad as she was ill, but it WAS my birthday the very next day where I turned 11! Had to get through my bowling party without crying.

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