Worried that I could be pregnant:/

Well basicly am 15 & me and my boyfriend who is the same age and have been together a year had sex last month for the first time. The thing is I had my period at the start of the month and we had sex during the middle of the month . But after us having sex I came on my period like 1/2weeks after in the same month twice. At the start of the month & towards the end. This has never happened before. And I am a bit worried. But the thing is when we had sex he never bussd and it was so painfull I didnt last very long I told him to stop after like 10mins of sex. I should be on my period now because its the start of a new month. Any advise would be rather helpfull x

Answer #1

Well’ I could tell you that ived been their already. & to be honest I’m still in that same position. If I were you I would take a pregnecy test NOW! ASAP. I’m walking in your same shoes, so don’t feel that your alone. I even have to take one..

Answer #2

WELL MY BAD FOR NOT STATING THAT THEN ! Am Going To Take A Test Anways To Be On The Safe Side ,, And No Am Not On No Birth Control;s

Answer #3

Yes, there is a VERY good chance you are pregnant. Most women ovulate after their periods - you had sex after your period. Also, the bleeding you experienced could have been implantation bleeding (occurs when a fertilized egg attatches itself to the uterus when you concieve a child).

You need to take a pregnancy test NOW. The longer you wait to find out the more health risk you are putting you and the baby at.

Answer #4

Excuse Me mamaof209 We Did Use A Condom ,, Oveously Am Not Going To Not Use One !

Answer #5

Take a test..only way you are going to find out.

Answer #6


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