
Ok, so me and my boyfriend were messing around in my bedroom and we had oral sex. He came about twice and he wiped it off. But then we messed around again and he sort of stuck the head of his penis inside of me and I think there was precum. Could I be pregnant?

Answer #1

and why werent you wearing protection yes theres a definit high chance of being pregnant

Answer #2

umm if your period comes late then yes but you should tlk to him bout it. and tke the pregnancy test thing

Answer #3

There is definitely a chance, yes, also a high chance you caught and STD if he has one.

Answer #4

Why do people have sex if they dont know the answer to this question?

Go take a pregnancy test in a few weeks, if this just happened, go take the morning after pill, and quit messing around without protection

Answer #5

Since you and your boyfriend are at this stage in the relationship, and you obviously “mess around” often, I would suggest keeping condoms on hand. If this just happened this evening, I would go get Plan B from a Walgreens or other drug store. If you are under 18, you will need a prescription. So just call your doctor and most will just call one in over the phone and you can get it right away. And from now on, use protection. Not only is there a chance of pregnancy, STD’s are extremely common, and a lot of them show symptoms in females more than males. So even if you two discussed this and he said he does not have any symptoms, he probably isn’t lying, he just isn’t showing any, and you would! Get Plan B, use protection from now on, and discuss past partners. Learning that lesson by catching something and having to get treated for it because neither of you would talk about that isn’t worth it!! If you can’t buy condoms and talk about past partners, you shouldn’t be having sex. Good luck and be careful!!

Answer #6

I agree with Ty up there…If you are asking this question, you probly shouldn’t be “messing around” get educated about these things before you do it…seriously, I’m not taking this out on you but if girls would be a little bit smarter when it comes to sex maybe there wouldn’t be as many unwanted, unplanned kids in this world…

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice