What worldwide charity would you donate to, and why?

Answer #1

I would and do donate to Cancer research cuz its a terrible disease to have

Answer #2

That is very admirable of you.. I commend you & all those that do donate to cancer research..

Answer #3

Well thx for sayin so, wat gets me everytime is seein the kids suffer, they have barely lived, then gotta go through that, its horrible

Answer #4

I would donate to the Make A Wish Foundation b/c you never know what those kids are going through and to help a kid get their wishes would mean every thing to me. i love kids so i would definately donate to The Make A Wish Fondation.

Answer #5

My donation typically follow the causes from which my friends have passed on such as Alzheimer’s, Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Heart Disease. They tend to be located in certain countries and not global. I am also partial to Heart Disease because I was born with a congenital heart defect.

Answer #6

All worthy causes.. You would think they would have them more globally or on every continent..

Answer #7

i know its terrible seeing all those kids suffering from cancer. keep doing what you do imlonely and you will be blessed.

Answer #8

Thx I will do my best, u know for the kids :-)

Answer #9

I’ve seen them. A lady who I do landscaping work for, is going through the process.. I never know what to say to her.. Cause, It saddens me..

Answer #10

ur right every causse is worthy of being donated to. Taylor Swift donated $500,000 to Nashville’s flood relief. Every one should be more caring just like her.

Answer #11

Yeah its kinda real hard to even look them in the eye without cryin cuz u know it can’t be easy

Answer #12

I’d donate to the Make A Wish Foundation :)

Answer #13

its the only thing you can do all those kids really need help and i know if we all come together i know we can find a cure for cancer and finally put an end to it

Answer #14

ASPSA and another one that helps stop hunger that i dont remember the name of, but most charities are good, but always do research before you donate, charities like March of Dimes fund animal testing

Answer #15

wow i am a heavy lover on make a wish foundation i love seeing all of those kids wishes come true its really heartfelt (to me) and seeing the look on their faces when their dream comes true means a lot especially to my familf

Answer #16

I actually prefer not to donate to a large charity organization. Why? For the simple fact that everyone else does. I prefer to go to Wish Upon a Hero and help out the little guy … the people who need help there don’t qualify for aid from any organization, but they need help just the same.

Answer #17

You know it’s so hard to choose what to donate to…every charity is a good charity to give support to. How can you say ok, I am going to donate to one but not another…I know I cant. Every time I see a metal box on a counter for some organization from pets to muscular disorders to aids to battered woman’s shelters to cancer to hope or merely some religious foundation trying to help out…I always find all my change & if I dont hv enough then I break what ever I do have just enough to give a little to what I can see. I may not have much but there is a law I live by…give & god will give you…(you dont hv to be religious to believe that…you just have to be human & have a heart!) Everyone needs a little something now a days…I am sure you dont know this but perhaps your next door neighbor might just be missing something that could make their day. Like a bag of sugar or a carton of milk…maybe some eggs or few tomatoes for a salad. Perhaps some diapers or just some baby formula… It doesnt take much to offer some help…A little can go a long way! (I get so emotional on posts like this..) * My hugs to you all on these tough days! ♥

Answer #18

i know how u feel i cant stand to watch rhe commercials with those kids cuz it makes me want to cry every sibgle time

Answer #19

I have donated to a few of these charities, in the past.. But I have probably donated the most for MS.. There’s no cure for multiple sclerosis. Only treatment.. How sad..

Answer #20

I would donate to the Childrens Advocacy Fund because children are so volunerable to the world.

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