Words that mean the same..

What other single words mean the same as Epiphany?

Answer #1

Do you mean Euphony, because Epiphany is not an actual word! if it is then these are some words: accord, harmony,melody,rhythm, and sound! I hope I helped!

xoxo, sarah

Answer #2

“Ephiphany” isn’t a real word, “Epiphany” is. You just misspelled it, that’s all. :)

Epiphany means, “a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.”.

Essentially, it means a “breakthrough” or “realization”, but a large one and out of nowhere, while something perfectly normal is happening. :) Example: “Jane had an epiphany today about how important school is, while her boyfriend did his homework. She isn’t dropping out anymore.”

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