wondering if im prego???

ok I had intercourse 2 days from now and was wondering if im prego … I know its to early to tell but my stomach hurts and back and also my boyfriend had ejactulaton (semen)on him when he pull out…so what does that mean???

Answer #1

yes and the pull out method does NOT work also if you’ve had sex (wether it was protected or not) you could be pregnant you can get pregnant at any time of the month at any time you have sex no form of birth control or contraception is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy either so any time you have sex there’s a chance of pregnancy to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results and remember to LEARN about sex before you go off having it learn about as well as a male and female reproductive system birth control, contraception, pregnancy and sti/stds don’t have sex until you know the consequences involved with it because the main reason why kids and teens get pregnant and get stds is because of a lack of sex education

Answer #2

You know its too early to tell or have pregnancy symptoms but you want to know what those symptoms mean? It means your brain knows you did something really stupid and now you’re psyching yourself out…

Take a test, and stop having sex if you dont know what things mean

Answer #3

There is a very likely chance that you ARE pregnant. Wait another 2 weeks and 5 days and then take 3 digital pregnancy tests to get an accurate answer.

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