Are you (if you're a woman) obsessed with shoes?

My boyfriend maintains that ALL women LOVE shoes, with no exceptions. My logic tells me that this can’t be true. So now I’m doing a FUN advice survey to see if you guys also love shoes.

Answer #1


Answer #2

I have a pair of running shoes, a pair of sandals, and a pair of winter boots. I guess I’m out of control.

Answer #3

That made me laugh.

Answer #4

Nope, I’m not. I only have a few pairs of shoes.

Answer #5

No, I never have been.

Answer #6

no but if i was rich i definetly stock up

Answer #7

Nope, in fact I greatly dislike shoe shopping.

Answer #8

Well, I’m deffinately not obessed, but I do like them. I have a few pairs of shoes and a few pairs of boots. I’m not one of those crazy people who has hundreds of pairs! (maybe just 50 or 60 LOL)

Answer #9

Im not obsessed but i do try and own enough to where i can have a pair that match. For example - i have two pairs of winter boots (black and brown), two pairs of heels (black and brown), pair of tennis shoes, pair of slip on shoes, and three pairs of flats..

Answer #10

i loooveee shoes

Answer #11

Yep. I spend way too much on shoes.

I have pairs for everyday, every outfit, every color, every shape, every pattern etc.

Answer #12

Why only women? I am a man and i use shoes as well, of course not those fancy ones which girls wear, but those shiny leather ones. I take care of my shoes more than myself, i love it when they shine and make the thak thak sound while I walk :D.

Answer #13

I know a woman who buys new shoes for every outfit. She has more than 370+ pairs of heels (and they are not cheap!) But then again, she’s amazing. Lol. I have probably 25 pairs of shoes. I can only wear heels so they are all heels except one pair which is my running shoes.

Answer #14

hahahaha! love this answer. lmao.

Answer #15

i love shoes, don’t get me wrong, but i probably get a new pair every 1-2 years. i wait til my shoes get worn out . so am i obsessed? no..i dont think so.

Answer #16

i’m not all that obssesed, but i’m not gonna lie i do own a lot of shoes haha ; )

Answer #17

Not really, I have about 4 pairs that I swap back and forth.

Answer #18

No. I only wear basic black sandals. I buy new ones when the old ones break. Drives my mother crazy.

Answer #19

LOL! That actually made me laugh :L

Answer #20

um im a guy and i have 62 pairs of shoes on the go… love my kicks..

Answer #21

can you skateboard in heels?

Answer #22

I am obsessed with shoes. I own alot of them. (Un)fortunately I don’t have much money to spend on them. There were times when I was ready to starve (so not to spend on food), so I could get to buy shoes. Crazy! I have all kinds of shoes. I love shoes. They are so pretty. Now I made agreement with myself. No more shoes until i have worn ALL of them at least once.

Answer #23

I am :D I LOVE SHOES! Omg :D They’re amazing.

Answer #24

but also and including my climbing, cycling, running, kitchen.. shoes for specific uses…

Answer #25

rubber boots yay, winter boots…

Answer #26

I like shoues, cuz i think that they make the outfit. But i would not consider myself obsessed.

Answer #27

I’m a girl, and i have a pair of runners, snowboard boots, and converse. I must be going crazy over shoes. -.- (even though my brothers have more then me)

Answer #28


Answer #29

No, I have one pair of converses, one pair of running shoes, one pair of flats, two pairs high heels, one pair of wedges. I also have two pairs of boots. I’m not obbessive about shoes, but I go nuts about accessories but i don’t have a lot of them =P

Answer #30

i wouldnt say ‘obbsessed’. but when i see me in the shop, i guess exited.

Answer #31

I think i own aroung 50-60 pairs of shoes and i just bought 2 new pairs and i saw another pair. Not one pair of shoes i onw could be considered sensible…

Answer #32

i dont think im overly obsessed..but i AM obsessed with clothes omg i love clothes but i dont have like a shoe for every outfit i have like 20+ shoes not too bad..i think.

Answer #33

I LOVE shoes! I have 40 pairs hehe. I can’t help the fact that they accessorize your outfits. You gotta match sometimes!

Answer #34

Lolz =D

Answer #35

Woah! Where do you keep them all?! Jk =D

Answer #36

I have never stopped buying shoes. I always end up having a new one whenever I go shopping. I have many pairs of shoes and some are still in their packaging.

Answer #37

My bf’s mom has about 30 pairs of shoes. Im not lying. When we go to palis royal or payless or something she tries to buy me shoes because she has an addiction of buying shoes and when she sees them she like…falls in love and i feel bad if she buys them for me..because..well i just do…she tells me she has enough shoes but she has to buy me some to make herself feel better…weird right?

Answer #38

Yes, I can actually :P I used to work as a waitress and wore black heels, when I was late for work (I used to walk) I would grab my skateboard and skate there… in heels. It’s quite a talent and definitely turns heads haha.

Answer #39

i have about 15 pairs of shoes but don’t take me on a shopping spree were you pay cuz you’ll be BROKE

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