who do u want to win american idol?

Lee DeWyze OR, Crystal Bowersox i was going for CASEY JAMES but since hes gone im voting for Lee DeWyze

Answer #1

when big micke left i was like idrc anymore … but i know one thing i dont want that gurl 2 win i missed last wks. episode so if casey is still there he cn win if not the dude w/the beard is good 2

Answer #2


Answer #3

I love Crystal. Her vibe is Amazing and I’m a huge country fan, but I think Lee is going to win and I would rather him win. The American Idol contract isn’t as good as the benefits the runner up gets. they always seem to get a better contract and produce more hits. The only big people who did win were Carrie and Kelly. However I like them both Lee and Crystal so it really doesn’t matter to me. I just hope they each have really good careers and produce good hits.

Answer #4

Casey was eliminated.

Answer #5

I won’t deny that Crystal is good- that would be ridiculous- but I prefer Lee and obviously want him to win. One of the best things about him is that he has improved greatly over the course of the competition- gaining confidence, learning to feel comfortable on the stage, all of which contributed to better performances. Crystal hasn’t really evolved into something bigger and better during the season.

Answer #6

oh then good luck lee

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