Will the Repulicans stand for McCain asking Russians to fund him?

Apparently, McCain’s campaign asked a Russian ambassador for donations. I’m appalled. I would expect the US to NOT support any specific candidate in a foreign election, and I would expect BOTH candidates to fund themselves through Americans, not foreigners.

I’m disgusted, and see no reason why the Russian embassy would issue a press statement about this unless it was true. So, is McCain’s campaign manager going to be fired, or did McCain sign off on soliciting foreigners to help him take over America?

Answer #1

I haven’t seen anything yet on this but I’m sure glad Obama hasn’t recieved any funding from foreigners !!

Answer #2

Has the person who made this “legitmate mistake” been fired? You might mistakenly miss an unsolicited contribution coming into a campaign, but it can not be a “legitimate mistake” to ask a foreign power for a campaign contribution. Regardless of the legality, how stupid do you have to be to think it would even be ethical?

Answer #3

Obviously it’s 1 of 2 - either something ‘illegal’ or a legitimate ‘mistake’ - we’ll see if the prosecutor takes action.

Answer #4

I’m disgusted, and see no reason why the Russian embassy would issue a press statement about this unless it was true.

Then you haven’t lived long enough…

I can’t believe that you DID believe that!


Answer #5

I wish the Russians would donate money to my campaign for the restoration to our Constitution! Any Russian rich people who would like to donate to me… Please contact me! Russians understand oppression. Now Americans need help from our Russian Brothers and Sisters! America is in deep sh_t, after 8 years of the Bush Crime family! Watch this:


Answer #6

“It’s illegal to take donations from foreigners,”

  • At least until Lord Obama changes the laws so he can accept money from Iran, Venezuela, and all of the other dictatorships that absolutely love him. Right? An Obama election would lead to a system of no checks and balances. With a Demo house, senate, and presidency, the socialists are free to enforce their will upon America.

The question should not be “Will Republicans stand for McCain asking Russions to fund him?” A more appropriate question is “Will America stand for a socialist dictatorship?”

Keep the checks and balances working.

Answer #7

Ah, yes, I can see it now. Churkin and McCain sitting in a shadowy corner of a bar in DC.

CHURKIN: “Comrade Senator, we need to talk. This woman you have as your running mate has said she is not against war with Mother Russia over the situation in Georgia.”

MCCAIN: “Um…uh, er…some more vodka, Comrade?”

CHURKIN: “Don’t change the subject, Senator. If you are elected president of America, and your health fails, this woman is going to start World War 3. She is like the wolves my grandfather hunts in Siberia…she cannot be tamed, she is wild and thirsty for blood!”

MCCAIN: “Well, gee, Mr. Ambassador, no need for that kind of talk. I think we can come to an understanding here. How much money do you have on you right now?”

CHURKIN: “I bet your pardon?”

MCCAIN: “Obama is kicking my a$$ all over the blue states, the red states, and the g*ddammed purple states! If he’s elected, you can forget the US buying more Russian oil…he’s into all that hippie renewable energy BS. I need some campaign money if I am to have a snowball’s chance in Saudi Arabia of winning this thing. Now, if a few of those Benjamins in your pocket happen to suddenly be in my pocket, I think I can catch Obama, AND put a muzzle on Sarah.”

CHURKIN: “But Comrade Senator, this money is for my daughter’s wedding present!”

MCCAIN: “Listen, Ivan, either fork over the cash, or I’m going to tell Sarah what that big red button in the Oval Office REALLY does!”

CHURKIN: “Fine, fine! OK, here you go…”

MCCAIN: “That’s more like it. And, listen Ivan, I’m going to need an envelope with this same amount slid under the door of my campaign HQ every week. Got it?”

CHURKIN: “OK ,but my name is Vitaly.”

MCCAIN: “Whatever…hey, you’re paying for this tab, right?”

Answer #8

“I can’t believe that you DID believe that!”

Phrannie, are you suggesting it is not true? The McCain camp has alread acknowledged it, but said it was a mistake.

Answer #9

:) It’s illegal to take donations from foreigners, amblessed - and the Russian embassy to the UN announced it in a press release. Furthermore, the McCain finance team commented & said it was an “honest mistake”…still, kind of an idiot move, in my opinion.

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