Will I find my Prince?

Im tired of getting hurt. Im tired of being the third wheel with my friends when we hang out with there boyfriends.Im 13 and had 2 relationships.One lasted for a day and he asked me out we were friends.The other last 10 mins. because I listen to people to much.well im so sick of never finding someone to stay with one of my friends have been dating a guy for about 2 years since 6th grade and were in 8th now so I don’t know help will I ever find Mr.Right…

Answer #1

your only 13, chill you have a whole life of guys ahead of you trust me you havent had a real relationship yet but you will you just gotta giv it time I didnt really start havin real relationships till high school

Answer #2

You are only 13, you have a long time to find your true love. You shouldn’t be worried, you have plenty of time. When you meet him, you’ll know it. I know it seems like forever right now, but just try giving it time and enjoy life. Good Luck. :)

Answer #3

okay try 2 get yor old guys jelous. dress pretty act like yor better off without them do something 2 get them jelous! hope I helped! ;)

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