Will I ever get along with my mom?

I am 22 years old and I have fought with my mom for as long as I can remember. We fight over the dumbest things and she can always make me feel like crap. I cry everytime after we fight. I feel like I am the blacksheep of my family. My mother was just recently re-married. I have one younger brother who my mom and grandma treat like a god. He has been in and out of trouble with the law and has even stole from them numerous times! They give him everything he wants. I just recently lost my job and I am struggling really bad to the point of where I can’t even afford to eat. It seems like they love to see me hurt. I feel so depressed. I love my mom so much but I just can’t get along with her. I’d love to have a relationship with her where we could go shopping and swimming or just spend time together where it’s just us but without the arguing. Any advice?

Answer #1

You cannot choose your family members and neither could I. My mom left our family whenever my wife(girlfriend at the time) got pregnant at 16 and did not come back into our lives until my son was about 8 months old. My dad is a drunk and a heavy smoker so he has never paid attention to me nor could he if he tried.

I dropped my entire family because they brung me down for too long and now I rarely talk to them except for holidays. The only reason I go home to see my folks is because my wife forgets how pathetic and cruel they are and she wants to go see and talk to them. I’m the youngest and I got treated the worst.

I would just blow off your parents and quit relying on them! I’m 22 with 2 kids(my son is 5 and my daughter is 2) and a wife…SUPPORT YOURSELF!

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