Will I end up alone?

I’m thirteen, and people in my grade have been dating since 4th grade. I haven’t had a real boyfriend but I really want one. I’m totally open to guys if I’m interested, but they always go for someone they think is better. What should I do?

Answer #1

OH, P.S.: My really really really wise principal says little “relationships” like that where you break up every month or so help you PRACTICE FOR DIVORCE. It’s true. They’re used to loving someone and then moving on and loving someone else. Isn’t that just like divorce?

Answer #2

you should shut up and quit whining about it. you’re 13 you don’t need a boyfriend, people in your grade are sluts. relationships, if you can even call it that, at that age are pointless and doomed from the minute they start, if you’re desperate for a boyfriend at this age then I hope you’re ready for a huge heartbreak when that boy plays you.

Answer #3

I agree! People who date that young are insecure and think they have to have the opposite sex like them for them to be accepted. I’m single and loving it! You probably don’t need a dude to tell you yur pretty for you to believe it! Enjoy being single while you can, and remember: God has someone special waiting for you later on. Don’t feel bad about being single! :)

Answer #4

Sweetie your only 13 you have plenty of time to get a boyfriend just have been being a kid for now then later on in life you can worry about boys & all that stuff just have fun for now and sooner or later the right guy that likes you for you will come along

Answer #5

hi, I am 16 and have had a lot of experiance in helping people in rerlationships

I can swear down you will find the perfect boy for you

most proberly in the least expected place you can think of but I can asure u, you will find someone who loves u

I PROMICE (take advice for the pro … ME lol)

I hoped I helped you out : )

Answer #6

they haven’t had a real relationship either! No matter if they say they did for not. You don’t need a boyfriend, just have fun. all your friends are going to be tied down to someone while they are in school and it’s nothing but drama! Just have fun with friends! you don’t need a boyfriend!

Answer #7

awww… boo to all them haters!! dunt mind wut they say =) but it’s true 13 is quite a young age. dont try to find love too soon, feelings are real complicated to figure out… honestly… sometimes I wish I’ve waited longer before I started dating… a relationship with a guy has a lot of commitment and devotion… I sometimes feel I dont have room for my friends. you’re still young, and my best advice is to STAY YOUNG =) 13!! - you have just entered you teen years!! (most life changing and fun) - “life is short, keep it sweet!!” just live on life to the fullest, and dont search for love, God noes wuts best, and when he thinks you’re ready for love, love will find ya <3

take care, Gracie

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