Could my wife be pregnant

after our last son was born 4 years ago my wife went on the pill to get her period back to normal and she went off it last xmas and 2 nights ago we had a few to many drinks and had sex and i came in her it was a day or so after her period when she stopped bleeding now she is saying that she has a bit of a cramp around her tummy area what are the chances that she could be pregnant now

Answer #1

2 nights ago?

It is FAR too soon to be having any pregnancy symptoms, let alone take a pregnancy test. Give it a few weeks before you start wondering.

Answer #2

The answer is: Yes, she COULD be pregnant. Anytime you have sex, there is a possibility of pregnancy. You should educate yourself a little more if you want to take the correct steps to not have another child if you aren’t ready for another one. And yes, 2 nights ago is way too early to tell if she’s pregnant and for her to be showing symptoms. Wait a couple weeks and take a pregnancy test.

Answer #3

if you have sex once a month then your “odds” of getting pregnant are 1/6. due to time for sperm to be activated in the vagina and the sperms life span. dont fret, just wait it out and test if she skips the period

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