wierd question...

lately I’ve been bleeding from my butthole and I don’t know what to do!! is it a sign of cancer?? I’ve told my mom but she doesnt know what to do.

Answer #1

It’s most likely hemerrhoids or fissures.

If it’s painful, then see the doctor, you may need minor surgery to correct the problem (in extreme cases).

The chances that’s it’s cancer are slim, but if the bleeding doesn’t stop or it becomes unbearably painful, it would really be a good idea to tell the doctor.

Answer #2

Hmm,thats happen to me too.Sometimes you can get a rash down there that iritates it and makes it bleed or you could have an infection.To make sure go to the docter that helps a lot.

Answer #3

Go to the doctor & don’t be afraid to ask questions. You probably have some common, minor infection that will fade over time, but you should visit a clinic anyway.

Answer #4

The worst case scenario is bleeding polyps, but it’s more likely that it’s internal hemorrhoids, or an anal or rectal fissure.

Obviously, see a doctor. I will repeat myself: SEE A DOCTOR.

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