What should I do about being felt left out?

I feel SOOO left out, my BEST friend of about 2-3 years now is suddenly extremely into some guy that just came in from decatur and she’s pretty much just cutting me out! Instead of texting me she’s CALLING him, WTF! They’ve only been friends for like half a year but she doesn’t show it like that, she shows it as if she’s sick of me and she pretty much loves him. She dated him for about a month and she KNOWS that I like her but she doesn’t care. She says she doesn’t like me but she also says that she’s “playing the field” after her boyfriend of 5 months cheated on her. It hurts so bad when I randomly see her facebook status as “I can’t wait til Justin gets out of church so I can tell him something >:P” or anything about justin I just feel sick and don’t know what to do. I don’t want to say something to her because she might have a reasoning that would make me feel really bad. What do I do?

Answer #1

Uhm She’s NOT dating him, that’s the thing. I said she DID date him about a month ago. That didn’t help at all, “advisor”.

Answer #2

Ohk, well first of all, she’s obviously not ready for a relationship with someone else. So, her not dating you is a good thing anyhow. She may also not be interested in you in a romantic way, or she doesnt want to mess up your friendship. You kinda need to back off if she’s already told you she isnt interested. It isnt her fault you like her. She also cannot make the decision to start liking you, that isnt how it works. Or you could just decide today to start liking someone else. Solving all your problems. Now, you’re jealous on two levels. For one thing someone else has the girl you like. And your best friend isnt paying as much attention to you. Well, welcome to life with a female best friend. When there’s a boy around, most pretty much tend to disappear. When the honeymoon phase is over, they come back. That’s just how it is. As for the romantic jealousy thing, that is your problem and you need to deal with it. She isnt leading you on, she isnt sending mixed signals. You’re harboring resentment over the fact that a girl who isnt interested in you is dating someone else. Get over it. You can express your feelings and ask her to take your feelings into consideration by not talking about her new boyfriend as much, but that is about all you can do. She’s dating another guy, which means she will call him and spend time with him. Maybe you need to spend less time with her to move on.

Answer #3

All you can do is talk to her about it. Tell her you really need to talk and it would mean the world to you if you guys could. Just tell her how you feel. Dont waste your time wondering “what if I had said” just go on and do it! If she gets all pissy then maybe you just need a break from her. Sometimes other guys trigger something in us that just make us forget everything else EXCEPT them. Right now this guy is her focus, and you complaining is just a nuisance. Tell her how you feel. And if she doesnt understand, get some distance between you guys for a bit until she cools down. best of luck :) I hope this helps.

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